Hannah Berner's performance in the recently released Netflix special Hannah Berner: We Ride At Dawn on July 9, 2024, began with her performing a worm on the ground. She then greeted the audience and called them "Hoagie Hoes." The show continued with constant cursing and se*ual talks.
Berner's performance has received mixed reviews. Some fans believe that while she has a good sense of humor, it is more suited to her interviews. Many viewers have failed to resonate with her when it comes to stand-up comedies.
In a post on Reddit, fans shared their views about the new comedy special.
"I started it and couldn’t get past the first 10 min. I feel bad because I know the most important metric for Netflix is people watching the whole thing through but it’s just not for me. It feels like someone reading off a meme page vs. thoughtful, clever humor," a viewer reacted on Reddit.
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Many viewers agreed to this comment by a user and wrote their thoughts on her performance in Hannah Berner: We Ride At Dawn.
"I want everyone to enjoy so I won’t respond directly to comments but she has always done the meme jokes & stolen them at that. Stolen the most basic jokes. The Carlos menciq of our time," another user said.
"It was not good. I watched it and wanted it to be better. It was the same jokes she posts of herself on Instagram and TikTok. Also - just not funny and she is not very smart lol not my type of humor at all," a user commented.
While some viewers did not appreciate her performance in Netflix’s special, others seemed to appreciate her courage and success.
"I think Hannah’s skills are interviewing people. She is warm and funny and curious about others. Her stand up is not my fave but she is great on giggly and in her street interviews," one reddit user reacted.
"F*ck it! Good for her! Regardless of whether she’s my cup of tea or not, this is a huge achievement and I just want to congratulate her," another user wrote.
Though viewers appreciate her courage and success in reaching this point, her performance as a comedian failed to impress many.
"Was it my favorite? No. Was it funnier than many other Netflix stand-up specials? Definitely. Had a few chuckles so wouldn’t say it was a total flop. She has potential, I’ll give her that," one viewer said.
"Whether or not I resonate with her humor, she did the damn thing. She got a Netflix special and that’s a huge accomplishment worth celebrating," another person wrote.
Hannah Berner is a comedy writer, director, and performer. She is a TV personality. She is also a podcaster and has interviewed Jennifer Lawrence, Priyanka Chopra, the Jonas Brothers, and Hailey Bieber.
All about Hannah Berner: We Ride At Dawn
The new Netflix special by Hannah Berner, released on July 9, 2024, covered a range of topics, including her mental health, her older husband, unrealistic s*x scenes in movies, and her views on pop culture.
The funniest part of the 50-minute stand-up special was the “Spray Tan” part, which made the viewers laugh and is the only point where the users agreed to the post by the Reddit group.
One of the jokes that the audience found funny was when she questioned the concept of diet Coke and asked, "Why can't we constantly drink espresso martinis?" During the show, she also called herself a female locker room and spoke about aging, as she has now turned 32.
Hannah also touched on some political topics, such as abortion and gun laws. However, the women in the house did not react to the abortion joke, and the punch lines in the gun laws couldn't gain much laughter.
Interested viewers can watch Hannah Berner: We Ride At Dawn on Netflix.