Cowboy Cartel is a documentary series that whisks viewers to the high-stakes world of American Quarter Horse racing, spanning a multimillion-dollar money laundering scheme by Mexico's notorious Los Zetas cartel. It unwinds the crime operation that was aimed at by rookie FBI agent Riley Turner when she stumbles upon their activities in the world of horse racing.
Helmed by Castor Fernandez and Dan Johnstone, it's an ensemble piece that stars a resolute Turner in a dangerous investigation. Coming to Apple TV+, this is a four-parter that premieres on August 2, 2024, full of suspense, danger and twists.
All the episodes of Cowboy Cartel
Cowboy Cartel is a four-part documentary series. All the episodes of Cowboy Cartel released on August 2, 2024, on Apple TV+.
Episode 1: The Starting Gate
The pilot episode follows the investigations of rookie FBI agent Riley Turner into money laundering in the American horse racing industry. She traces these suspicious transactions to the Los Zetas cartel of Mexico, which comes to a head while she works to try to expose the truth.
Episode 2: The Inside Track
Riley infiltrates deeper into the cartel's operations, a risky business that involves risking her life in pursuit of evidence against them.
She will reveal the network from jockeys and trainers to wealthy owners who are all connected to the nefarious activities of the cartel. In this episode, nail-biting suspense awaits the viewers as Riley inches closer to the heart of the conspiracy.
Episode 3: Clean Money, Dirty Tricks
The third episode sees Riley betrayed by some unexpected sources within law enforcement, which complicates her mission.
She tracks a lead down to a high-stakes race where cartel money flows in freely and blurred lines of justice mix with survival. This episode encapsulates the dangerous complexity of her investigation.
Episode 4: Photo Finish
The series wraps up in the final episode, with the last confrontation at one of the most highly rated Triple Crown races.
Riley goes head-to-head against the mysterious leader of Los Zetas, Carlos El Diablo Morales, in a climactic finish where lives will be hanging by a thread, leaving audiences fully satisfied with an action-packed final episode that's sure to bring closure to the series.
Apple TV+ provides, for as low as $6.99 a month, access to this truly gripping series.
Major characters and crew of Cowboy Cartel?
Cowboy Cartel boasts a cast and crew who can be called accomplished. Castor Fernandez and Dan Johnstone helm the series, which radiates from their vision and skill in storytelling. Executive producers include Castor Fernandez, Jodi Flynn, Dan Johnstone, Steve Michaels and Eric Newman.
The characters, from Carlos El Diablo Morales and Eva Martinez to Tom Saddleback O'Connor, give the series further depth and intrigue.
What was Los Zetas?
Los Zetas was one of Mexico's most feared and strong drug cartels, known for its brutality and violent ways.
First, a force of elite deserters from the Mexican Army, Los Zetas once served as the enforcement wing of the Gulf Cartel until its breakup in 2010. The Zetas then went on to form an independent criminal organization eluding their previous allies.
Los Zetas were known for their participation in drug trafficking, human trafficking, arms trafficking, murder, kidnapping, extortion and other crimes. Their violent methods — beheadings and torture — created a culture of fear that helped secure their dominance.
Los Zetas had been one of the most powerful in previous times, but during the past years, their reign has slowly come to an end. Their legacy of bloodshed and corruption casts a long shadow over Mexico and beyond.
Cowboy Cartel is a riveting look at the dangerous intersection of crime and sport, revealing the dark underbelly of the American Quarter Horse racing industry. This series exposes the real cost of organized crime and the pursuit of justice that never stops through its tight plot and unforgettable characters.
It chronicles the escapades of Riley Turner from start to finish, exposing viewers to a very dangerous tale of braveness and grit in taking down one of the world's most feared drug cartels.
It's both a series full of entertainment and enlightenment, much like remembering that the fight against organized crime will never die. Catch Cowboy Cartel, now streaming on Apple TV+, only $6.99 a month.