Creature Commandos episode 6, titled Priyatel Skelet, premiered on Max on January 2, 2024. The penultimate episode of the show focuses on the titular group as they are stranded in Pokolistan and have to fend off the forces of Princess Ilana Rostovic. Not only that, but the episode also confirms that Rick Flag Sr. isn't dead and is currently in a coma.
Warning: Spoilers for Creature Commandos episode 6 to follow.
The sixth episode of the DC animated series takes viewers back in time to show the backstory of Dr. Phosphorus. The show sees how he became into the powerful monster he is now and with the episode taking place in Gotham City for the most part, it also features a cameo from none other than Batman himself.
Creature Commandos episode 6 also sets up the upcoming finale in a huge way, and it looks like next week the group will be trying their best to kill the Princess.
What happened in Creature Commandos episode 6?
Batman apprehends Dr. Phosphorus
Creature Commandos dives deep into the origins of Dr. Phosphorus. The episode begins with Alexander Sartorius working for criminal boss Rupert Thorne. He is working on a cure for cancer through nuclear fission and Alex will provide that cure to Thorne. However, when Alex discovers that Thorne is selling his nuclear data to an oppressive regime, he starts sending him false readings.
Thorne eventually discovers this and he kills Alex's wife and child and throws him in his nuclear fission machine. Instead of killing Alex, it turns him into Dr. Phosphorus. Alex then goes after Thorne and gets his revenge on him, taking over his criminal empire after killing the crime boss. Alex becomes feared in his own right and starts running a successful criminal empire in Gotham.
However, when partying one night with his goons, Alex is apprehended by Batman which is basically how he ended up in Belle Reeve. This marks the first proper appearance of the DCU Batman who will be operating separately out of Robert Pattinson's Batman.
The group splits up
After facing the Pokolistan soldiers, the group splits up. While Dr. Phosphorus wanders around the city and Weasel finds shelter in the jungle, The Bride and Nina find shelter in a brothel. Initially after entering the brothel, the two are spotted by soldiers, however, the workers inside help the two maintain a low profile when The Bride threatens the business owner.
While The Bride is a bit rude towards the brothel workers, Nina tries conversing with them. A few moments later, two metahumans enter the brothel and take one of the women up the stairs. However, they get quite violent with her which leads the Bride to intervene and kill them both. Nina and The Bride then make it back to town and regroup with Dr. Phosphoru and Weasel while heading to the castle.
Creature Commandos episode 6 also sees Eric Frankenstein land in Pokolistan on Flag's orders to tell The Bride about Circe's lie. However, Princess Ilana Rostovic prepares for a war.
Is Rick Flag Sr. alive?
In episode 5 of the show, Clayface ends up breaking Rick Flag Sr.'s back which leaves him brutally beaten up and almost on the verge of death. However, it isn't confirmed whether he lives after the attack. Creature Commandos episode 6 pretty much confirms this as Flag is admitted into a hospital and is said to be in a coma.
It would be unlikely that Flag Sr. would have died then anyway as Frank Grillo is also slated to appear in Superman and Peacemaker season 2 which will take place after Creature Commandos.
For further updates on the show, stay tuned with us.