The latest episode of NBC's famed true crime show, Dateline, is all set to take a look at the murder of Robert Limon, better known as Rob Limon. The murder shook the close-knit community of Silver Lake, California, as Rob was well-renowned and beloved in the community. The subsequent investigation unearthed more chilling details that only made this case much more gloomy.
Dateline season 33 episode 11, titled Deadly Mirage covered this case in detail. It aired on Friday, January 10, 2025, at 9 pm EST. The synopsis for this episode read:
"When Rob Limon is murdered at work, the investigation uncovers deep secrets about sex, friendship, religion and family; the broadcast explores the case featured in its chart-topping podcast "Deadly Mirage.""
Rob Limon seemed to have the perfect life that he shared with his wife Sabrina Limon and his two children but things took a turn quickly when Rob was shot to death on August 17, 2014, while working at the BNSF railyard in Tehachapi.
It took quite some time and deep investigation to decipher that the murder scene was only staged to look like a robbery and was far more sinister than what met the eye.
Who was Rob Limon and what happened to him?
Rob Limon was renowned in the community for his charm and outgoing nature. He met and married Sabrina Limon on August 19, 2000, owing to their shared friendly and outgoing nature. Soon, they moved to Strawberry Lane in Silver Lakes and had two children.
Despite being a dedicated family man, Rob was also known for his social life, which he shared with Sabrina. The couple seemed to be perfect from the outside, with both sharing their love for outings, family life, and focus on the household. The only thing the outside world did not know or fathom about Rob and Sabrina was that they were in an open marriage.
Robert dreamt of being a firefighter but worked as a mechanic for a local railroad company. While no one had any doubts that things could go wrong, on August 17, 2014, Rob was gunned down while working at the BNSF railyard in Tehachapi, which was about 80 miles away from his home. He was reportedly shot twice, with one of the shots hitting him in the head.
When the police arrived, they thought it was a robbery gone wrong as the crime scene was meticulously arranged in that way. Soon, however, a sinister plot unfolded.
Who killed Robert Limon?
The authorities scrambled for leads at first but they got a breakthrough when footage from the railyard around the time of the murder showed an unknown man limping around. Moreover, a nearby company provided surveillance video that captured an unidentified motorcycle.
Soon, this lead took them to Jonathan Hearn, with whom Sabrina had an affair. Though the police found enough evidence against Hearn, it took a couple of years more to charge Sabrina Limon, who masterminded the murder. She allegedly wanted to get rid of Rob Limon and stay with Jonathan without spoiling her image in society. She also had financial motives as Rob Limon had a hefty life insurance policy.
Ultimately, both Sabrina Limon and Jonathan Hearn were punished for the crime, with the former receiving a bigger punishment. Both of them continue to serve their respective sentences.
The latest episode of Dateline covers this case in further detail.