Deceitful Love Season 1 is an upcoming television series directed by Pappi Corsicato. The romantic drama is written by Teresa Ciabatti, Michela Straniero, Flaminia Gressi, and Eleonora Cimpanelli. The limited series features six episodes and is scheduled to premiere on Netflix on Wednesday, October 9, 2024.
The romantic series focuses on the May-December relationship between the 60-year-old Gabriella (Monica Guerritore) and her 30-year-old boyfriend Elia (Giacomo Gianniotti).
As expected, their unconventional relationship faces strong opposition from Gabriella's family, especially her three grown-up children. They believe Elia is a con man after their mother's money.
The show's official logline, as per Netflix, reads:
"After turning 60, a wealthy woman suddenly falls in love with an attractive and much younger man, but her family raises doubts about his intentions."
Where to watch Deceitful Love Season 1?
Deceitful Love season 1 is inspired by the British series, Gold Digger. The limited series, featuring six episodes, was created and written by Marnie Dickens. It aired on BBC One between November 12, 2019, and December 17, 2019.
The series centered around Julia Ormond's character Julia Day falling in love and eventually marrying Ben Barnes' character Benjamin Greene.
Deceitful Love is an Italian adaptation of the series and features an entirely Italian cast and crew. The series released its first teaser on July 25, 2024, and its official trailer on September 17, 2024.
The series takes a fresh look at romantic relationships with a huge age difference by swapping the genders and showcasing a passionate romance between an older woman and a much younger man.
Deceitful Love season 1 is set to premiere on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, on Netflix. All six episodes of the romantic drama will be available to stream at the same time.
Plot summary
Deceitful Love season 1 depicts a romantic relationship between the 60-year-old Gabriella and the 30-year-old Elia. Their massive age gap and different backgrounds bring all kinds of complexities to their relationship.
Gabriella is a recent divorcee who owns a luxury resort on the Amalfi Coast, while Elia is an attractive man with a mysterious past. The two feel an instant connection on their first meeting and, despite Gabriella's initial hesitation, engage in a passionate romantic relationship together.
However, her three adult children disapprove of their relationship as they fear Elia is after their mother's wealth. They question his intentions and do their best to expose him as a fraud.
As things get serious between the couple, Gabriella starts feeling torn between her attraction for Elia and her kids' genuine concerns. Also, Elia's secret past threatens to cast a dark shadow over their relationship. They reach a point where both Gabriella and Elia must decide once and for all if their unconventional relationship is worth the trouble.
Cast and characters
The series features Monica Guerritore as Gabriella, while Giacomo Gianniotti stars as her love interest, Elia. Gabriella's three children are played by Dharma Mangia Woods, Francesco Del Gaudio, and Emanuel Caserio, who plays Stefano. Other supporting cast members on the show include Denise Capezza, Fabrizia Sacchi, Luigi Chiocca, Sandra Ceccarelli, and Geppy Gleijeses.
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