Dune: Prophecy episode 5, titled In Blood, Truth, premiered on Max on December 15, 2024. The outing is the penultimate episode of the show and features various reveals and developments that help set up the finale that's set to premiere next week. The biggest development in the episode comes in the form of Desmond Hart's true lineage.
Dune: Prophecy episode 5 reveals that Desmond Hart is actually a descendant of House Atreides and House Harkonnen. His hate for the Sisterhood is also justified as it is heavily implied that he is Tula's son. The outing also sees the debut of Sister Francesca, whom Valya relies upon to bring the Emperor to their side.
So, going into the finale, let's see how Dune: Prophecy episode 5 sets up the ending.
What happens in Dune: Prophecy episode 5?
Desmond Hart's true lineage revealed
In Dune: Prophecy episode 5, fans get to learn about who Desmond Hart actually is and why he hates the Sisterhood so much. In the series so far, it has been revealed that he received mysterious powers after having his entire team wiped out on Arrakis and then being swallowed by Shai Hulud. However, he miraculously survived from it.
Then in episode 4, when he again demonstrated his powers by killing the members of the rebellion, he started bleeding after being overwhelmed. However, Valya was able to secure his blood and sent it to Tula for further examination. This is where things take a turn for the worse as when Tula runs his DNA through the genetic codex, it is revealed that he comes from two big houses.
Hart is a son of both House Atreides and House Harkonnen and this leaves Tula shocked as she begins crying. Desmond later then reveals that he hates the Sisterhood because his mother gave him away and it further implies that he is Tula's son as she used to also have a relationship with Orry Atreides.
While it is not revealed after episode 3 whether Tula might have gotten pregnant, it certainly looks like something that fans can expect to see in the finale of the show.
Mother Raquella takes over Lila
In episode 4, fans also got to see Lila come back to life, and Dune: Prophecy episode 5 further develops on that. The episode focuses on Lila being taken over by Mother Raquella as the effects of the Agony have still not worn off from her and she works alongside Tula to find the source of the reckoning. Sister Jen is brought into the mix too as Tula trusts her to be discreet.
Working together, Raquella is able to decipher that there is a virus that originated in Sister Kasha's brain which has spread around the Sisterhood and causing the nightmares. She reveals that the virus resembles that of the Omnius Plague, which also happened to be the same virus that was seen during the Butlerian Jihad.
What role does Sister Francesca play?
Dune: Prophecy episode 5 also sees the long-awaited debut of Tabu as Sister Francesca. She is someone who used to have a relationship with Emperor Javicco Corrino in the past and is also the mother of their son Constantine. She arrives at the Imperium thinking that Constantine had called her, but rather it was Valya who pulled strings and needs her help.
Valya reveals that she wants to use Francesca to get close to the Emperor so that he can have faith in the Sisterhood again and send Ynez to Wallach IX to be a sister. She also says that this will all lead to Constantine being assigned to command the Imperium's fleet as well. Valya's plan also seems deep-rooted in giving Desmond the location of the Rebellion so that she can succeed.
She does this by using Harrow who delivers the information to Desmond which pretty much leads to the dismantling of the Rebellion. Constantine also later finds out that Keiran Atreides was the one who was set to orchestrate the attack during the Landsraad which leads to his arrest. This then leads to Constantine being given the fleet and the Sisterhood succeeding.
Sister Francesca is also able to reignite her romance with Corrino which leaves Natalya troubled and she then conspires with Desmond to get rid of the Sisterhood forever. So, going into the finale, it certainly looks like fans will get to see a culmination of all these storylines as the reckoning finally grows closer.
Dune: Prophecy episode 5 is streaming on Max right now.
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