Earth Abides episode 5 starts immediately following the events of episode 4, where Charlie's team members succeed in retrieving water from the well. The episode titled The Return was released exactly on the same day as episode 4 on December 21, 2024.
The episode begins with all the members of the community celebrating all the members finally getting water back. Ish is clearly distressed about Charlie's ways of trying to gain the appraisal of everyone in the community. Charlie teaches Alex to flirt with a girl at the party, and he is seen to consider Charlie to be an ideal figure, unlike his father.
However, in Earth Abides episode 5, Charlie begins to show his original skin, when he and Silas discuss their plan to capture and conquer Ish's community. Things take a more grave turn when Charlie forcefully enters Evie's cabin and ra*es her.
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Charlie tries to establish his authority in Earth Abides episode 5

Now that the entire project has been completed, Emma asks Charlie's girlfriend Perry, about their decision to leave, which Charlie interrupts and puts an end to. During the party, Charlie is seen giving uncomfortable glances at Evie, which alludes to his darker intentions.
Ish spends most time at the party while standing on his balcony, and observing Charlie's actions. After the party is over, Ish decides to stay on and observe Charlie's behavior keenly to comprehend his inner plans. However, Ish doesn't have to wait long before he hears a woman screaming for help and eventually notices Silas guarding in front of Evie's cabin.
After some moments, Charlie comes outside Evie's cabin, bringing Ish's darkest fears into reality. He immediately screams at Charlie, which he ignores, and approaches his truck. Perry pushes back Charlie for the gruesome crime he had committed, but is helpless around his actions, except to leave him to sleep alone in the truck.
Ish immediately rushes towards Evie's cottage and quickly admits her to their medical room. Maurine and Molly confirm that Evie has been raped by Charlie, which sends the young girl into a state of shock and trauma. In the middle of the night, all the original community members, gather in the medical room, considering what action they should take.

Emma comes out with a bold option, saying people like Charlie are predators who prey on the weak ones. If released, he is likely to return and do more harm. Hence, the only way to get rid of Charlie is to kill him. Everyone in the group is deeply shocked by this decision, however upon taking everyone's vote, they mutually decide to eliminate Charlie.
Ish knocks at Charlie's van door, asking him kindly to leave their community. However, completely underestimating Ish's warning Charlie makes matters worse by shaming Evie, and telling Ish that he would only leave the community with Emma as a gift. Charlie eventually brings out his pocketknife to clean Ish out of the way, he realizes that he is surrounded by all community members.
Ish brings out the hammer that Jorge had gifted him, smacks Charlie's head off, and keeps on hitting his head until he is dead. Ish is instantly traumatized by PTSD upon realizing that he has killed a human being. Emma comforts him saying, he has done the right thing. However, this worsens when Joey nearly catches him cleaning blood off his hammer.
The next morning Jean, Ezra, and Molly let Perry know that Charlie is gone forever. Much to their shock, Perry does not express any grief over it, revealing that he had been abusing her for a long time. Finally, Ish and the community members open up about Charlie's fate to the community of new survivors. All the members agree to stay and help them grow the community, except for Silas.

Silas leaves the community gates, advocating for Charlie's actions, however, returns minutes later begging for a place to stay. Ish does not let him enter inside and lets Alex know that Cahrlie had to leave because he had taken something from Evie that she will never get back again.
The disease makes a return in Earth Abides episode 5

Earth Abides episode 5 takes another time leap to Year 20 after the pandemic. This starts on the day when Joey unveils his new project to the community. The project is still under construction, however, it could be seen that Joey had created a modified version of the airplane. Joey reveals that when fully charged through its solar panels, the plane can make a round trip of 200 miles.
From the beginning of Earth Abides episode 4 itself, Alex is seen as jealous of Joey, Which increases with time and could be a potential problem in the future. Later that night, while Ish reads a book to Joey, he says to his father that he is running a temperature. Later that night, Joey comes into Ish and Emma's room, covered in sweat, and collapses on the floor.

He is soon taken into emergency, and slowly more members of the community begin to show signs of high fever. Molly reveals that this spreading disease is not a common cold but is related to the original virus. This could indicate that the pandemic is making a return again.
Molly advises Ish to stay away from the infected ones, as the new strain could also infect people who have survived the last time. Molly advises Ish to bring him to the makeshift hospital, but he wishes to treat his son at home. While trying to treat Joey, Ish starts having visions of Charlie, indicating that he is suffering from a mental deterioration.
Heather returns only to announce that Rife could not make it back. At the end of Earth Abides episode 5, Ish crosses the bridge with a bike and enters the city hospital in search of medicine to save his son. He finally, pleads before God to save his son and sacrifices his own life. The episode ends, with Ish looking back at hope and believing in God, in the darkest time.
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