All eight episodes of the Egyptian thriller series, Echoes of the Past, were released on Netflix on December 6, 2024. The series follows the story of Yehia, who embarks on a revenge mission in order to bring the murderers of his sister to book.
As episode 1 of the series opens, a group of young boys and girls are seen enjoying a trip on the sea in 2007. However, things take a dark turn when Nadia, Yehia’s sister, loses her life due to the malfunctioning oxygen cylinder.
After being in prison for 15 years, all Yehia wants is revenge. He strikes first blood by brutally killing the corrupt lawyer who refused to come to his aid when there was time. By the end of the episode, he tricks the goons who invade his apartment by activating a bomb that was already set there. Following this, he moves to a hotel.
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Echoes of the Past episode 1 ending: Yehia evades his enemies
Titled The Beginning and the End, episode 1 of Echoes of the Past shows how Nadia and Ali, then in a relationship, were not going through a good time when she lost her life. After the fatal accident that occurred when the group went for deep-sea diving, doubts arose about whether Ali could be involved in what potentially was Nadia’s murder.
The episode also makes copious use of flashbacks. In one such flashback, it is shown that Yassin, Ali’s father and a rising politician and business tycoon, offered to help Yehia’s mother get medical treatment if he took the blame for Nadia’s death on himself and went to prison for a year.
However, things took a surprising turn, and Yehia had to spend fifteen years in prison. He also learned several things about the alleged accident. Thus, he had every reason to believe that Yassin was trying to cover up whatever was done to Nadia in 2007.
After getting out of prison, Yehia utilizes the help of his friend Fatla and starts his revenge. He starts by killing Mahfouz, the corrupt lawyer. He clicks pictures of the latter’s lifeless body and sends them to Yassin as a message.
Yassin, in turn, sends some thugs to Yehia’s home at night. However, the ending of Echoes of the Past episode 1 shows how Yehia could already anticipate this, and he has planted a bomb in his apartment. As the goons enter, the bomb goes off, and Yehia takes shelter in a hotel.
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What shocking truths emerge about Nadia’s accident?
Yassin had assured Yehia that Mahfouz would argue that Yehia’s negligence caused his sister’s death. This would incur a one-year sentence only, and in return for this, he would get money for his mother’s medical treatment.
However, the plot of Echoes of the Past thickens when it is revealed in a flashback that during the prosecution, it was proven that Nadia’s death was no accident. Instead, her diving gear was deliberately tampered with.
Further, during his time in prison, Yehia learned that Nadia was pregnant when she was murdered. In other words, Yassin and Ali had their own interests in however things transpired with respect to Nadia. Thus, the protagonist of Echoes of the Past starts his mission of vengeance against them.
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Why does Yehia kill Mahfouz first?
Mahfouz had come to know about Nadia’s pregnancy. If he wanted, he could make it look as if Yehia had killed his sister as part of honor-killing, which might have resulted in a lesser sentence.
However, influenced by Yassin, who was afraid that Yehia would cause trouble if he were let out of prison sooner, Mahfouz bribed the coroner and completely wiped off the evidence of the pregnancy.
This resulted in Yehia having to rot in jail for fifteen long years. Thus, Yehia starts his mission of retribution by killing Mahfouz first. However, the ending of Echoes of the Past episode 1 makes it clear that the others involved in the case are not safe either.
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All episodes of Echoes of the Past are available to stream on Netflix.
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