Escape at Dannemora is a seven-episode drama series originally aired on Showtime from November 18, 2028, to December 30, 2018. Escape at Dannemora premiered on Netflix on October 22, 2024. The series is based on a true story of a prison escape in 2015, leading to a massive man hunt.
Ben Stiller's Escape at Dannemora brings forth a true story about the prison break incident at the Clinton Correctional Facility. Tension builds as two prisoners, executed and hatched by mastermind inmate escape artists Richard Matt and David Sweat.
With Benicio del Toro, Patricia Arquette and Paul Dano in lead roles, the series is engaging and emotional. The well-chosen soundtrack for the series makes each scene deep, emphasizing the stakes and emotions. The result is a compelling blend of storytelling, acting and music that makes Escape at Dannemora unforgettable.
Every song featured in Escape at Dannemora
Here are all the songs featured across the seven episodes of the show.
Episode 1: Part 1
- From the Beginning by Emerson, Lake & Palmer
- Girl from the North Country by Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash
- Bills by LunchMoney Lewis
- Uptown Funk (feat. Bruno Mars) by Mark Ronson
- Mirror Man by The Human League
- Bang Bang by Jessie J, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj
- Better Days by Graham Nash
- Chains by Nick Jonas
Episode 2: Part 2
- Courage for Love by Jesper Munk
- Lips Are Movin by Meghan Trainor
- Lay Me Down by Sam Smith
- Seek & Destroy (2016 Remastered Version) by Metallica
- Tune Down by Chris Joss
- Pablo Picasso by The Modern Lovers
Episode 3: Part 3
- Deacon Blues by Steely Dan
- Ima F*ckin Rockstar by Skyzoo, Onyx
- Let It Ride by Bachman Turner Overdrive
- Long Cool Woman (In a Black Dress) by The Hollies
- Whipping Post by Allman Brothers Band
- Do It Again by Steely Dan
- Take Me to the Pilot by Elton John
- Worth It by Fifth Harmony
- Heart Is Black by Escondido
Episode 4: Part 4
- Liar by The Shelters
- Goodbye by Who Is Fancy
- You Rascal You by Hanni El Khatib
- The Snake by Oscar Brown, Jr.
- It's Great When We're Together by Finley Quaye
- Nowhere to Go (feat. Randy Coleman) by Arch Leaves
Episode 5: Part 5
- Heartbeat Song by Kelly Clarkson
- All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor
- Carefree Highway by Gordon Lightfoot
Episode 6: Part 6
- Right Down the Line by Gerry Rafferty
- Love Will Find a Way by Pablo Cruise
- Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthing ta F' Wit by Wu-Tang Clan
- Fall Down by Toad The Wet Sprocket
- Here Comes the Hotsteppers by Ini Kamoze
- My Wave by Soundgarden
Episode 7: Part 7
- Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
- Better Days by Graham Nash
- So American by Portugal the Man
Read More: Where is Escape at Dannemora filmed? All shooting locations explored
What is Escape in Dannemora all about?
Escape at Dannemora is a crime drama that revolves around the real-life events of the 2015 prison break in Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York.
Directed by Ben Stiller, it's a dramatized account of the complex escape plan undertaken by two convicted murderers, Richard Matt and David Sweat, who had broken out with the help of smuggled power tools provided by a prison tailor, Joyce "Tillie" Mitchell.
The convicts manipulated Mitchell, who was lonely, to let them have the tools needed to drill into walls and underground tunnels.
Following a 22-day manhunt, the police found the escapes; in a firefight, Matt was killed, while Sweat was arrested. The television series not only unravelled the tension-filled plot, which is the escape, but also defines intricate relationships between Matt, Sweat and Mitchell.
Long-term planning, hardships with life on the run and ultimate fate are what make for a high-tension, presentation of a prison breakout in Escape at Dannemora.
Read More: All Escape at Dannemora characters in real life & where they are today
Escape at Dannemora is streaming on Netflix since October 22, 2024.
Read More: Where is David Sweat now? Netflix’s Escape at Dannemora criminal’s whereabouts explored