Netflix's latest animated comedy, Exploding Kittens, takes viewers on a wild ride through a bizarre narrative involving divine and infernal beings disguised as talking cats. God, known as Godcat (GC), and Beelzebub who is Satan’s daughter, known as Devilcat (BB), are sent to Earth as punishment for slacking off in their celestial duties.
The series culminates in a chaotic and humorous finale that leaves fans questioning the fates of these unique characters. One of the biggest questions arising from the finale is whether Devilcat and Godcat have become parents. As per the finale they have indeed become parents.
The series finale is packed with dramatic twists and turns, especially as the God Games competition heats up. This competition, designed to determine the new CEO of a merged heaven and hell, puts both GC and BB in direct rivalry.
Have Devilcat and Godcat become parents?
Yes, by the end of Exploding Kittens, Devilcat (BB) and Godcat (GC) indeed become parents. Throughout the series, GC and BB are tricked into competing for the CEO position of the newly merged heaven and hell. In a turn of events, BB finds herself pregnant due to a wild night with GC, which becomes a pivotal plot point as the series progresses.
The climax sees BB delivering multiple kittens, marking a significant and humorous conclusion to their celestial saga.
The show’s climax is as chaotic as expected. BB, still in her cat form, goes into labor, and the delivery is nothing short of dramatic. As she begins to give birth, kittens start exploding out of her, a nod to the show’s title. This not only confirms that BB and GC are parents but also serves as a fittingly bizarre ending to the series.
What else happens at the end of Exploding Kittens?
The final episodes of Exploding Kittens are a whirlwind of chaotic events. GC, who has grown compassionate during his time with the Higgins family, is faced with the moral dilemma of pressing the apocalypse button which will end humanity. Ultimately, he refuses the CEO position to prevent this catastrophe. The mantle then passes to BB, whose pregnancy complicates her situation even further.
As BB starts giving birth, a rogue board member from the celestial committee triggers the apocalypse by sending an asteroid hurling towards the Earth. In a climactic moment reminiscent of Avenger's Iron Man’s heroics, GC flies into space to divert the asteroid, saving the world just in time.
His safe return to Earth coincides with BB’s explosive delivery of multiple kittens, creating a chaotic yet amusing end to the series.
More Details on Exploding Kittens
Exploding Kittens is an adult animated television series inspired by the popular tabletop card game of the same name, created by Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal webcomic, Elan Lee, and Shane Small. The show brings the quirky and explosive humor of the game to the small screen.
The series features an impressive voice cast, including Tom Ellis as Godcat, Sasheer Zamata as Devilcat, Suzy Nakamura as Abbie Higgins, Mark Proksch as Marv Higgins, Ally Maki as Greta Higgins, and Kenny Yates as Travis Higgins.
Produced by Bandera Entertainment and Chernin Entertainment, Exploding Kittens premiered on Netflix on July 12, 2024. The show combines elements of comedy, fantasy, and adventure, exploring the lives of its celestial characters in a humorous and often absurd manner.
Whether you are a fan of the original card game or simply enjoy offbeat animated comedies, Exploding Kittens offers a memorable, albeit chaotic, viewing experience.