On Friday, August 16, an X account named @LyricVault shared a tweet about actor Noah Schnapp. According to the tweet, which soon went viral, the 19-year-old actor had been tested positive for monkeypox. The caption of the post read:
"🚨 Reports indicate that Noah Schnapp has tested positive for monkeypox."
Several people responded and seemed to have believed the piece of news about Noah. One user wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter,
"Is so sad, I feel bad for him."
"Just realised this was satire..." added another tweet.
While so many people almost believed that the claims about Noah were true, it is important to note that they are actually fake. The post was made by an account which usually uploads satirical content. The bio of the official X account of Lyric Vault read:
"Disclaimer: All content is satirical and not factual."
Stranger Things star Noah Schnapp did not test positive for monkeypox amid the concerns
As mentioned before, actor Noah Schnapp was rumored to have been suffering from monkeypox. While the post became viral over a short period, it is worth knowing that the claims are false and hence must be debunked.
It could also be concluded that the claims are false since no major publication houses have reported the news about Noah as of now. The actor too has not mentioned anything on his social media platforms. While Noah Schnapp isn't known to be suffering from monkeypox, this disease had been gaining massive attention for quite some time now.
The Economic Times reported that the World Health Organization had declared it an emergency after certain cases were discovered in remote regions of Pakistan in Asia. After COVID-19, monkeypox is a disease that has had such a major outbreak. The disease first came into notice after it hit some major areas in Democratic Republic of Congo and other parts of Africa, as reported by WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
As per the official site of WHO, Dr. Tedros said,
"The emergence of a new clade of mpox, its rapid spread in eastern DRC, and the reporting of cases in several neighbouring countries are very worrying."
He added,
"Significant efforts are already underway in close collaboration with communities and governments, with our country teams working on the frontlines to help reinforce measures to curb mpox."
According to the official WHO site, it has further been mentioned that the first monkeypox case was reported in a human in 1970. The alleged case was also reported in Democratic Republic of Congo. WHO also stated that the disease would often get emitted through s*xual contact.
Coming back to the Stranger Things actor, Noah Schnapp had previously been involved in a number of controversies. In June 2024, the actor was compelled to leave a club in New York City. Last year, Schnapp faced immense backlash after he posted a video of distributing stickers with controversial slogans including 'Zionism is S*xy' and 'Hamas is ISIS.' Schnapp, who is Jewish, further claimed that he wanted to live in a peaceful environment.