Unstable, a Netflix comedy series, premiered on March 30, 2023, with its first season consisting of eight episodes. The show centers on Ellis Dragon, a successful biotech entrepreneur who is quirky and seeks to find his way after his wife passes away unexpectedly.
The series explores the humorous conflict between generations and personalities that ensues when his son, Jackson Dragon, intervenes to help rescue the company. It blends drama and humor while addressing themes of business intrigue, familial dynamics, and loss.
On August 1, 2024, Netflix released the second season of Unstable, which also comprised eight episodes. Following the premiere, fans eagerly sought updates on whether the show would be renewed for a third season. However, as of now, Netflix has neither canceled nor renewed the show for a third season.
Netflix released Unstable season 2 on August 1, 2024
On August 1, 2024, Netflix premiered all eight episodes of the comedy-drama's second season. As is typical with their series, Netflix would likely have announced any plans for additional episodes or a second half of the season. However, there was no such announcement regarding Unstable season 2, part 2, or additional episodes.
Cast of Unstable
Rob Lowe as Ellis Dragon
The death of his wife has caused Ellis Dragon, an eccentric biotech entrepreneur, to experience upheaval and jeopardize his business. Rob Lowe, who is well-known for his parts in Parks and Recreation and The West Wing, gives this nuanced character his signature charm and complexity.
John Owen Lowe as Jackson Dragon
Ellis's socially awkward son Jackson Dragon comes back to assist in rescuing the family company. Jackson is portrayed by Rob Lowe's real-life son, John Owen Lowe, with subtlety and realism. Two of his earlier works are The Grinder and Holiday in the Wild.
Sian Clifford as Anna Bennet
At Dragon Biotechnology, Anna Bennet plays a crucial role as an executive who frequently manages the divergent temperaments of Jackson and Ellis. Famous for her part in Fleabag, Sian Clifford performs a great deal of depth and expertise.
Aaron Branch as Malcolm Drummond
Malcolm Drummond is a helpful worker at Dragon Biotechnology who offers support as well as lighthearted relief. With his humorous timing, Aaron Branch, who is well-known for the films Millennials and Kenan, gives an exceptional performance.
Rachel Marsh as Luna Castillo
A key factor in the company's success is Luna Castillo, a bright young scientist. From Just Add Magic: Mystery City and NCIS, Rachel Marsh infuses the role with new life.
Emma Ferreira as Ruby
A committed scientist, Ruby collaborates closely with Jackson and Luna. Emma Ferreira, who has appeared in the films Transplant and Learn to Swim, demonstrates her flexibility and adds to the vibrant ensemble of the program.
Overview of the series Unstable
Season 1
The first season of Unstable centers on Ellis Dragon. He is a biotech entrepreneur who has put his company, Dragon Biotechnology, in danger with his unpredictable behavior after his wife passed away. Jackson Dragon, his son, willingly comes back to assist in rescuing the company.
Jackson is a reserved and well-organized person who stands in stark contrast to his father's eccentricity. Jackson attempts to maintain stability for the group during the season by organizing team-building exercises and pressuring Ellis to attend counseling.
A controversy threatens an important investment conference, but Ellis and Jackson control the aftermath. As the season goes on, Jackson's creative ideas start to acquire traction inside the corporation, and the father-son team starts to work through their issues.
Their combined efforts resulted in a breakthrough at Dragon Biotechnology at the end of the season. By recognizing Jackson's achievements, Ellis opens the door to a fresh direction.
Season 2 of Unstable premiered on 1st August 2024. The show is available to stream on Netflix with eight episodes.
Stay tuned for more updates.