Cartoon Network's rumored shutdown has sent the internet into a frenzy. #RIPCartoonNetwork trend is now claiming a top spot on social media platforms like X, with users talking about their favorite shows on the channel and their opinions on the animation industry.
However, the channel is not shutting down. The hashtag started when an X account called Animation Workers Ignited used it to highlight the perils and financial state of animation workers in the industry. The account urged users to post about their favorite shows along with the hashtag, which spiraled and led to the rumor that the channel was closing down.
Still, the #RIPCartoonNetwork trend has made many people remember and talk about the cartoons they loved when they were kids. People have been mentioning shows like Courage the Cowardly Dog, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and Ben 10, among others.
What is the #RIPCartoonNetwork trend?
The #RIPCartoonNetwork trend began on X after Animation Workers Ignited (@AWorkersIgnited) posted about the animation industry and what was at stake for its workers.
Despite its original intent to raise awareness about the animation industry, the #RIPCartoonNetwork trend by @AWorkersIgnited took an unexpected turn. Many netizens mistook the hashtag as a sign of the channels' closure, leading to a widespread misunderstanding.
The #RIPCartoonNetwork trend is meant to raise awareness about the poor state of animation workers as the film industry progresses. The video attached to the original Animation Workers Ignited post goes deeper into the matter. They explain that many big animation studios are going out of business and laying off employees, resulting in mass unemployment for animation workers.
Besides, the video discusses how people who make cartoons are not paid enough and are often treated badly. It asks people on the internet to help fix this and improve things for those who work in making cartoons. The video wants more people to know about this problem and talk about it in more places.
For viewers who think Cartoon Network might be closing, there's no need to be concerned because the channel isn't closing down.
What was the response to the rumor of Cartoon Network's closure?

After believing the channel was closing, many netizens shared posts about their favorite cartoon network shows. The #RIPCartoonNetwork trend brought in a wave of nostalgia for older shows that the channel used to air and an appreciation for the enjoyment they provided.
On the other hand, multiple users on the platform posted about the poor treatment of the animators in the industry and hoped that their situation would improve.
"Courage The Cowardly Dog will always be a favorite! It’s very sad to hear that the animators were treated so poorly and hopefully they can find work soon!," said a user via X.
Many hope that after this extensive social media campaign, animation studios will shed more light on their process and give animators their due.