Recently, a post concerning the hit show Friends went viral on Facebook and other social media platforms. On May 26, 2024, in a post made by a page called YODA BBY ABY on Facebook, it was revealed that a two-hour special in memory of late Friends alumni Matthew Perry will be released on Peacock this November. The post read:
"The wait is over! This November 2024, Peacock exclusively presents FRIENDS, A two hour event, where Rachel, Ross, Monica, Joey, and Phoebe gather once more to honor the memory of their beloved friend Chandler Bing.
It continued:
Join the entire gang for a heartfelt celebration filled with laughter, tears, and cherished memories as they come together under the most solemn of circumstances. Don't miss this touching tribute to friendship and love, airing only on Peacock."
The above description was followed by a picture of the famous door depicted in the series, along with a small message that read: They Missed You. They're Back.
People on the platform rushed to the comments section of the post and asked for a release date. Some also tagged fellow fans to let them know of the wonderful news. However, they were disheartened to know there was no truth behind the news.
The page YODA BBY ABY, which made the announcement, is strictly dedicated to satire and fake news. Therefore, all the posts made by the page should not be taken seriously.
There is no new Matthew Perry-related Friends content in the pipeline
When Friends fans were introduced to a whole new world of possibilities in May this year, they were indeed excited. They were happy to find out that a two-hour special commemorating the life and art of late actor Matthew Perry would be released in November this year. They were also delighted to find that other members of the show would appear in the special.
However, their dreams were crushed when they realized that the chatter concerning the special was untrue. The gossip garnered traction on social media courtesy of a Facebook satirical page called YODA BBY ABY, which excels in fake news.
All core members of the Friends cast shared their condolences after Matthew Perry's passing
On October 23, 2024, the world woke up to the news of Matthew Perry's (Chandler Bing) sudden demise. Fans of the actor were devasted over the news and expressed their condolences through social media posts on several platforms.
For a while after his demise, Perry's co-actors in the long-running show had not spoken about the incident. Soon after they had dealt with the personal loss, they released individual statements via their Instagram accounts. One of the first people to express their thoughts about the late actor online was Lisa Kudrow, who played Phoebe in the show.
Soon after, other castmates also followed suit. Matt LeBlanc, who played Joey, Chandler's roommate and best friend on Friends, in a heartfelt post, said:
"It is with a heavy heart I say goodbye. The times we had together are honestly among the favorite times of my life. It was an honor to share the stage with you and to call you my friend. I will always smile when I think of you and I’ll never forget you. Never. Spread your wings and fly brother you’re finally free. Much love. And I guess you’re keeping the 20 bucks you owe me."
Those who are disappointed that the Friends special will not be happening can rewatch the series, which is currently streaming on Netflix.
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