Tell Me Lies, Hulu's popular drama series, returned with its much-anticipated second season in September 2024, continuing the twisted and emotional journey of Lucy and Stephen's toxic relationship. The series, based on Carola Lovering’s 2018 novel of the same name, is set in 2007 and explores the intense dynamics of college relationships at the fictional Baird College in Upstate New York.
Season 1 sets the stage with a blend of romance and dysfunction, and Season 2 delves deeper into the aftermath of Stephen’s shocking betrayal in the Season 1 finale. As the new season unfolds, fans are left wondering: Will there be a Tell Me Lies season 3?
Even though Hulu has not officially announced the renewal of the series Tell Me Lies for a third season, there are very strong indications that the streaming service will continue the story. Considering how Tell Me Lies Season 2 is still being appreciated, and that the series has been able to rise and attract many fans, the chances of season three are not completely gone.
Is there going to be Tell Me Lies season 3?
Tell Me Lies has not been officially renewed for a third season by Hulu. The start of the second season was on September 4, 2024, and the new season is still ongoing as episodes are still being aired. Since the decision to renew usually depends on viewership data and engagement metrics, there is a high likelihood of waiting for a while before Hulu announces its plans for season 3.
There are a lot of loose ends following the plot including that of Lucy and Stephen where there is a series of relationships that deserve another level of attention in the next season.
It took Hulu a month after the season 1 finale to renew it for season 2. Fans can expect to hear something about season 3 around late 2024 or early 2025.
What is Tell Me Lies about?
The series Tell Me Lies showcases the love story of college classmates Lucy Albright (portrayed by Grace Van Patten) and Stephen DeMarco (played by Jackson White), rife with deception, insecurities, and heartbreaks. It depicts their growing up at Baird College, their love, betrayal, and emotional abuse.
Majorly set in the year 2007, the show also demonstrates the toll their toxic relationship takes not only on their lives but also on the lives of their friends and other people. The relationship between Lucy and Stephen is full of love as it is full of lies and manipulation, it is a romance covered with such drags that have been persisting throughout the entire series.
Lucy and Stephen are separated after Stephen’s betrayal but in the second season of the series still have feelings for each other as shown by flashbacks. They may have moved on from where they were but the emotional connection warrants to an extent of them getting into more complications.
In season 2, there are signs that the characters of the husband and wife and those around them are bearing the burden of their previous choices, and this development will lead to more twists in the development later.
Speaking about the casting, nothing is confirmed, but it is safe to say that Grace Van Patten as Lucy and Jackson White as Stephen will likely be seen in the new season since it is their narrative. Interested viewers can watch the series exclusively on Hulu.