Released on April 24, 2024, on Netflix, Deliver Me is a gritty, dark, nordic noir limited series chronicling the lives of two best friends in their preteens. It follows the lives of Billy and Dogge and their unfateful associations with a gang of people that ends up changing their lives forever.
Each episode of the series averages a 45-minute run time and takes the audience through Billy and Dogge's lives, their friendship, and their fate.
When the trailer for the series was first released, there was chatter that the events depicted in the show were taken from real-life incidents. However, contrary to popular belief, the show's plot does not resemble real-life stories. On the other hand, it is based on Swedish author Malin Persson Giolito’s acclaimed novel of the same name.
More about the book Netflix's Deliver Me is based on
As mentioned previously, Netflix's Deliver Me is based on a book written by Swedish author Malin Persson Giolito. The book of the same name is described as a "gut-wrenching story of childhood friends torn apart by gang violence and class differences in Stockholm."
It chronicles the lives of Billy and Dogge who have been friends since they were six. They live in the suburbs but lead completely different lives. While Dogge reaps the benefits of familial wealth, he grapples with family problems. Billy, on the other hand, belongs to a first-generation immigrant family. Despite not having the comfort of money, Billy's family keeps him afloat in the darkest of times.
The official blurb for rest of the story unfurls as such:
"A ruthless small-time crime boss seeks recruits, and both Dogge and Billy become runners by the time they’re 12. Fast cash, easy access to drugs, and dreams of gaining status draw them in. But when Billy wants to leave the gang and finds himself trapped, the boys must face the violent rules of the adult game they tried to play."
The book is a commentary on society and what happens when young people find themselves on the wrong side of the law. It outlines:
"With piercing prose and a breathless sense of urgency, Deliver Me is at once a poignant portrayal of the power of friendship and a shattering depiction of what happens when society fails to protect those that need it most. What does justice mean for these lost children, and is the law capable of delivering it?"
Who is in the cast of Netflix's Deliver Me?
Netflix's Deliver Me stars Yasir Hassan and Olle Strand in the lead. The two portray the roles of Billy, a.k.a. Bilal, and Dogge, a.k.a Douglas. The performances of Yasir and Olle in the show are supported by actors such as:
- Yusra Warsama who plays Leila, Billy’s mom
- Ane Dahl Torp who plays Jill, Dogge’s mom
- Henrik Norlén who plays Teo, Dogge’s dad
- Ardalan Esmaili plays Farid, a police officer who is accustomed to Billy and Dogg
- Mahmut Suvakci plays Sudden, the grocery owner of a shop Billy and Dogge frequently hang out in
- Solomon Njie who plays Mehdi, the leader of a gang
- Abdirahman Mohamed who plays Tusse, Billy’s younger brother
Fans can stream all episodes of Deliver Me on Netflix. The series is directed by Anna Zackrisson, best known for her work in Snow Angels.