Regular Show, an Emmy-winning animated series, aired successfully for eight seasons on Cartoon Network starting in 2010, amassing a loyal fanbase. It concluded in 2017 after 244 episodes.
Creator J.G. Quintel had informed Cartoon Network in 2016 that season eight would be the final season, believing the story had reached its natural conclusion. Quintel expressed satisfaction with the final seasons, feeling the series ended on his terms.
Fans who had been anticipating another season were treated to fabulous news during the Annecy Festival 2024. It was announced that Regular Show would receive a reboot. However, it will not be treated as season 9 of the series and might take a different trajectory than the events that have transpired earlier. Thus, there will be no season 9 of the Regular Show, however, a reboot is in the works.
Is the new Regular Show a reboot?
Yes. The recent announcement made during the Annecy Festival 2024 has confirmed that the upcoming version of the popular animated series will be a reboot and not a continuation of the earlier seasons.
Cartoon Network announced a new spin-off series for Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, along with an anime-style Scooby-Doo and a new Adventure Time series. Details about the reboot of Regular Show have not been disclosed.
It's uncertain if the popular characters Mordecai (voiced by J.G. Quintel) and Rigby (voiced by William Salyers) will return. A Variety report confirmed the reboot will be entirely new, possibly including some characters from the original series.
How many seasons of Regular Show are there?
There are a total of eight seasons of Regular Show from 2010 to 2017. The plot of the series followed the exploits of Mordecai, a blue jay, and Rigby, a raccoon. The two worked as groundskeepers in a nearby park. The series took off due to its surreal imagery and vivid color schemes.
The end of the series saw Mordecai and Rigby move on from their job at the park and pursue different avenues in their lives. Mordecai pursued a career as an artist and even fathered three children with a bat.
In an interview with Animation Magazine back in 2017, the show's creator J.G. Quintel said the following about its ending:
"Wrapping it all up, that was definitely a challenge, trying to figure out how to make sure that we were going to satisfy all the things people would want to see, and what we wanted to see, and kind of top ourselves because we’ve done a lot of crazy things over the years."
The series garnered a lot of appreciation when it used to air and even earned a Primetime Emmy Award along with six other nominations.
Is Regular Show meant for kids?
While it was an animated series on Cartoon Network it was not suitable for children of all ages. The series dealt with themes involving s*xual innuendos, violence, dark humor, and mature themes. The lewd and slapstick style of comedy in the series makes it unsuitable for children below the age of 12 or 13.
While the series might be over the show can still be streamed on Amazon Prime Video.