The comedy sitcom Unstable premiered on Netflix on March 30, 2023. The first season consists of eight episodes and centers on Ellis Dragon, portrayed by Rob Lowe. He is a biotech wizard with an unusual approach to life and business.
Jackson Dragon, played by John Owen Lowe, joins the family business to assist his father during difficult times. The show has been praised for its clever writing, compelling characters, and the dynamic relationship between the father and son Lowe. It creatively blends tragic and humorous moments.
On August 1, 2024, Netflix premiered the second season of Unstable, which also consists of eight episodes. Following the premiere, fans eagerly awaited updates on a potential third season. However, as of now, Netflix has neither canceled nor renewed the show, and there is no official confirmation about Unstable season 3.
Is there an Unstable season 3?
The third season of Unstable has not yet been confirmed. Despite the show's popularity, Netflix has not announced a renewal or release date for season 3. Viewers will have to wait for more details from Netflix to learn about the show's future.
Where to watch?
The show is available to stream on Netflix. The streaming service offers both season 1 and season 2 of the comedy series. Both seasons consist of quirky, dark comedic eight episodes.
Overview of Unstable until now
Unstable is a biotech series that follows Ellis Dragon, a biotech entrepreneur. He faces danger due to his unpredictable behavior after his wife's death. His son, Jackson Dragon, comes to rescue the company, maintaining stability through team-building exercises and counseling.
Despite a controversial investment conference, Ellis and Jackson manage the aftermath. Jackson's creative ideas gain traction, and the father-son team works through their issues. Their combined efforts lead to a breakthrough at Dragon Biotechnology, and by recognizing Jackson's achievements, Ellis opens the door to a fresh direction.
Unstable season 2 is every bit as unusual and quirky as its predecessor. While the show centers on the tech business of Dragon Biotechnology. The business continues to make money while it develops new solutions to protect the environment, but it is much more than that. At its foundation are relationships of all types, particularly the tie between a father and son.
The humorous aspect of the show comes from the harsh, dry humor. Every worker in this organization contributes in their way to the investigation of workplace relationships, whether they are merely friendships or the beginnings of an affair. They add the ideal touch to an ordinary scientific workplace full of brilliant minds. Their backstories are entertaining and scream out for more in the future.
The show has some piercingly sharp, original punchlines and zingers that give each storyline extra bite. The pace is quite fun despite occasionally being fast-paced and even fanatical. Watching it is fun, and binge-watching in one sitting is simple. With a potential new direction for another season, this season came to an end.
Cast and character
Rob Lowe as Ellis Dragon, who is the eccentric and brilliant head of a biotech company.
John Owen Lowe as Jackson Dragon, who is Ellis's son, joins the family company to help his father.
Sian Clifford as Anna Bennet, a key executive at Ellis's company.
Rachel Marsh as Luna Castillo, a scientist working at the company.
Aaron Branch as Malcolm Drummond, who is a friend and colleague at the company.
Emma Ferreira as Ruby, another colleague at the biotech firm.
Fred Armisen as Leslie, is a quirky character associated with the company.
Interested viewers can watch both seasons of Unstable on Netflix.