House of the Dragon, the prequel to Game of Thrones, tells the story of House Targaryen, one of Westeros's oldest and strongest houses. The history of the dragons and the Targaryens is marked by fierce battles, conflicts, and inner turmoil.
House of the Dragon currently focuses on the Targaryen civil war, and Dance of the Dragons repeatedly mentions the rulers of the Targaryen dynasty. The ongoing series intends to give a complete overview of Targaryen rulers. This includes Aegon I the Conqueror, Aenys I, Maegor I the Cruel, Jaehaerys I the Conciliator, and more, who had a major impact on the Seven Kingdoms' history.
Full line of Targaryen rulers in House of the Dragon
Aegon I the Conqueror
Aegon began his conquest of Westeros more than a hundred years after House Targaryen relocated to Dragonstone to survive the doom of Valyria. He rode Balerion, the Black Dread, and along with his sister wives — Visenya and Rhaenys, united Westeros by conquering six of the seven kingdoms.
He established the Iron Throne and ruled Westeros from King's Landing. Aegon reset the timeline to count years "After Conquest" and ruled Westeros for 37 years (1 AC - 37 AC).
In House of the Dragon, it is mentioned that he had a prophetic dream about a prince that would unite the realm and protect it from unknown horrors. His dream is known as the Song of Ice and Fire.
Aenys I
Aenys was the eldest son of Aegon and Rhaenys. Married to Alyssa Velaryon, he had six children with her. He faced challenges due to religious strife and rebellion from the Faith of the Seven due to Maegor's polygamous marriage. His reign (from 37 AC - 42 AC) was short and was marked by conflicts and instability.
Maegor I the Cruel
Maegor, Aenys' half-brother, is known for his ruthlessness. He seized the throne after Aenys' death and reigned from 42 AC - 48 AC. His reign was brutal and faced rebellion from the Faith Militants. The Red Keep was constructed during his reign.
Jaehaerys I the Conciliator

Jaehaerys ascended the throne after Aenys' death and established stability in the kingdom. He brought forth reformed laws and promoted peace. He ruled for 55 years (48 AC - 103 AC) with a reign marked by prosperity and diplomacy. The realm loved him and his sister-wife Alysanne.
The House of the Dragon series opened with Jaehaerys I naming Viserys as his heir, acknowledging the fact that only House Targaryen can be its downfall.
Viserys I
Viserys I succeeded Jaehaerys I. His reign (103 AC - 129 AC) was relatively peaceful but was also marked by several succession disputes. His death sparked the Targaryen civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons.
The first season of House of the Dragon focused on his reign and the internal turmoil faced by his children.
Aegon II / Rhaenyra I (claimant)

The Dance of the Dragon's conflict (129 AC - 131 AC) centered around the rivalry between Aegon II and Rhaenyra Targaryen for the Iron Throne. It divided the realm and led to significant loss and destruction. At the end of this civil war, Aegon II ultimately prevailed. However, the war scared House Targaryen and weakened it.
The second season of House of the Dragon focuses on this succession crisis.
Aegon III the Dragonbane

Aegon III reigned after the Dance of the Dragons. From 131 AC to 157 AC, he struggled with the aftermath of the civil war and dealt with the trauma of witnessing the death of the last dragons. This earned him the title of "Dragonbane" and during his rule, he attempted to rebuild the realm and heal the wounds caused by the civil war.
Daeron I the Young Dragon
Daeron I Targaryen was the one who launched the campaign to expand the Targaryen influence into Dorne. However, he faced resistance and was killed in the battle. Although his reign was short (157 AC - 161 AC) it was marked by bold military actions.
Baelor I the Blessed
Baelor Targaryen was a deeply religious ruler who ruled Westeros from 161 AC to 171 AC and built the Sept of Baelor. He was married to Daena but he dissolved his marriage and placed her and his sisters Rhaena and Elaena, in the Maidenvault. His reign was marked by extreme devotion, which often clashed with practical governance.
Viserys II
Viserys II, the second son of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Daemon Targaryen, served as the hand of the King and regent for his nephews, Daeron I and Baelor I before ascending the throne. He reigned for a brief period (171 AC - 172 AC), and his rule was marked by stability and wise decisions. He died under suspicious circumstances.
Aegon IV the Unworthy
Aegon IV is known as the worst Targaryen king. He was married to his sister, Naerys, and had two children with her, one of them being stillborn. Aegon IV's reign (172 AC - 184 AC) was marked by excess corruption and favoritism. He legitimized his bastards on his deathbed, with his actions sowing seeds of discord among his children and leading to the Blackfyre Rebellions.
Daeron II the Good

Daeron II focused on diplomacy and alliances. He married Princess Myriah Martell of Dorne, solidifying peace between the Seven Kingdoms and completing Aegon the Conquerer's mission. He had four children: Baelor, Aerys, Rhaegel, and Maekar. He reigned from 184 AC - 209 AC and died in 209 AC during the Great Spring Sickness.
Aerys I

Aerys I Targaryen was Daeron's second son. He was not interested in ruling the realm and so he left most of his duties to his Hand, Brynden Rivers, known as "the Bloodraven," who’d later become the Three-Eyed Raven in Game of Thrones. He grappled with the Blackfyre rebellion, a conflict over the legitimacy of House Blackfyre's claim to the throne.
His reign (209 AC - 221 AC) was relatively uneventful but it faced internal strife.
Maekar I
Maekar I ruled Westeros from 221 AC - 233 AC. He was married to Dyanna Dayne and had six children with her: Daeron, Aerion, Aemon, Daella, Aegon, and Rhae. He faced several challenges, including rebellions and the Summerhall Tragedy. He lost his life during a battle against a rebellious lord on the Dornish Marches. His reign was marked by his efforts to unify the realm.
Aegon V the Unlikely
Aegon V ruled from 233 AC to 259 AC. He was Ser Duncan the Tall's squire and was nicknamed "Egg." He initiated reforms and his reign was marked by his efforts to improve the lives of the common people. He died in the mysterious tragedy at Summerhall.
Jaehaerys II
Jaehaerys II's reign was brief (259 AC - 262 AC) due to his illness. He was married to his sister, Shaera, and had two children with her: Aerys II and Rhaella. His rule was marked by his efforts to prepare the realm for future challenges. He was succeded by his son Aerys II.
Aerys II the Mad King

Aerys II ruled Westeros from 262 AC to 283 AC, and his descent into madness led to the downfall of House Targaryen. His reign was marked by political intrigue, betrayal, and Robert's rebellion. He was a cruel ruler and became one of the reasons for his eventual overthrow.
He was the father of Daenerys Stormborn, who was born approximately 172 years after the events of House of the Dragon.
House of the Dragon is available to stream on HBO Max and Jio Cinema. New episodes of season 2 premiere on Sundays.