Territory season 2 is the second installment of the neo-Western drama series created by Ben Davies and Timothy Lee. The show's first season was directed by Greg McLean from a screenplay by Timothy Lee, Steven McGregor, Michaeley O'Brien, and Kodie Bedford.
Territory centers around the power struggle over ownership of the world's largest cattle ranch, the Marianne Station, situated in Australia's Northern Territory. The Lawson family, who own the ranch, fight off against rival cattle farmers and greedy businesspeople to maintain their claim over the billion-dollar empire.
The first season consists of six episodes, all of which were released on Netflix on October 24, 2024. As of this writing, Netflix has not green-lit Territory season 2.
Disclaimer: This article is speculative in nature.
When will Territory season 2 be renewed?
Territory season 1 premiered less than a week ago, so it is too soon for renewal news about season 2. The show has been met with mostly positive reviews and is a hit with audiences and critics alike. Its comparison to another Netflix hit series, Yellowstone, will go a long way with audiences and may increase its viewership in the coming weeks and months.
Moreover, Netflix has a policy of evaluating a new show's viewership over a 30-day period before taking a call over its renewal status. So, it's very certain that news of Territory season 2 will not be announced before December 2024, if at all.
Potential plot summary for Territory season 2 (speculative)
If the series is renewed, season 2 will showcase the aftermath of Colin learning that Emily played a role in Dan's death. As he had just handed over the reins of Marianne Station to Emily and Graham, it will be interesting to see if he changes his mind.
The mining magnate, Sandra Kirby, who wanted to turn the cattle ranch into a radioactive wasteland for a substantial profit left for Singapore at the end of season 1.
But, with the world's largest cattle ranch at stake, Sandra has every reason to return and make a go for it a second time. So, Territory season 2 will likely see her return and devise an even more devious plan to claim the ranch estate.
In the season finale episode, Colin and Marshall open a safe box that contains a secret so dangerous that both men choose to die rather than reveal it. The next season will hopefully shine a light on the contents of the safe box and its implications for the Lawson family.
Also, Marshall leaves Marianne Station with his girlfriend Sharnie over her concerns that Marshall may turn corrupt, like his grandfather, if he stays there. Marshall might return in the next season as Colin considered him the rightful heir to his billion-dollar empire.
Lastly, the Lawsons and the Indigenous community strike a deal to drive out Sandra from their region. They succeed in getting rid of her, but not before she destroys The Sorry Place, a sacred land of the Indigenous community, with help from Nolan, one of the community's members. How Nolan and the Indigenous community proceed ahead will certainly be one of the main sub-plots of Territory season 2.
Who will return for a potential Territory season 2?
The show's presumptive cast list for Territory season 2 is as follows:
- Anna Torv as Emily Lawson
- Michael Dorman as Graham Lawson
- Robert Taylor as Colin Lawson
- Clarence Ryan as Nolan Brannock
- Hamilton Morris as Uncle Bryce
- Sara Wiseman as Sandra Kirby
- Joe Klocek as Lachie Kirkby
- Dan Wyllie as Hank Hodge
- Tuuli Narkle as Keeley Redford
- Tyler Spencer as Dezi
Additionally, the next season will certainly feature new characters.
Other actors from season 1 who can possibly return for another season are Jay Ryan as Campbell Miller, Sam Corlett as Marshall Lawson, and Kylah Day as Sharnie since their characters' fates were left open-ended at the end of season 1.
All episodes of Territory season 1 are available to stream on Netflix.