High Potential is a crime drama series created by Drew Goddard, which premiered on September 17, 2024, on ABC. Goddard is known his for writing in popular works including Buffy the Vampire, World War Z, Daredevil, and The Martian. The series is an adaptation of the French-Belgian crime comedy show HPI. On January 21, 2025, the series was renewed for season 2.
High Potential follows the story of a single mother named Morgan Gillory with a very high IQ. She works as a cleaning lady for the Los Angeles Police Department, but with her intellect, she starts working on their high-profile cases. With her resources, she embarks on a search to find her estranged partner Roman, who had disappeared mysteriously.
The official soundtrack of High Potential is composed by singer/songwriter Josh Kramon. He is best known for working in The CW's Veronica Mars and iZombie. He also created original scores for other series, including ABC's Forever and Fox's Lethal Weapon.
The complete soundtrack of High Potential explored
High Potential season 1 has 10 episodes, with each dropping every week from September 17, 2024. Here's the complete list of songs, featured in every episode of the crime drama series released so far.
Episode 1: Pilot
- Superpower by Adam Lambert
- Hella Good by No Doubt
- Heavy Cross by Gossip
- (I've Got) Trouble In Mind by The Limiñanas
- Different Now by Chastity Belt
- Bitch by Meredith Brooks
- I Knew It by Whales In Cubicles Uncatena by Sylvan Esso
- Keeps Gettin' Better by Christina Aguilera.
Episode 2: Dancers in the Dark
- Universal Mind Control (UMC) by Common
- Chapeau by Cavendish Music
- Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia) by Us3
- Mr. Vain by Culture Beat
- Sweet Dreams by La Bouche
- Back In My Body by Maggie Rogers.
Episode 3: Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
- Soul No. 5 by Caroline Rose
- Empty Nest by Silversun Pickups
- Kaleidoscope by SHIPS & Tribe Music
- Mada Mafia by Maheva.
Episode 4: Survival Mode
- Being in Love by Wet Leg
- Dreams by Hana Vu.
Episode 5: Croaked
- Freightliner by Hot Water Music
- Throw Your Back Out by Beds and Beats
- All Along by The Sea the Sea
- Your Number's Up by Levi Stark
- Bridge to Heaven by Faces On Film.
Episode 6: Hangover
- Elastic by Joey Purp
- Since You Been Gone (Karaoke Version) by Karaoke Universe
- Cut and Run by Jessica Boudreaux.
Episode 7: One of Us
- Point and Kill by Little Simz, Obongjayar
- Step Into Your Power by Ray LaMontagne
- Hella Good by No Doubt.
Episode 8: Obsessed
- Cascada by Neon Beach
- Too Sweet by Hozier
- Café Convo by Klaud Jones, Lofi Universe
- Strong by London Grammar.
Episode 9: The RAMs
- My Fun by Suki Waterhouse
- Even If by Danny Farrant, Paul Rawson
- Pretty Wings (Uncut) by Maxwell
- The Way by Rose Cousins.
Episode 10: Chutes and Murders
- Fine Wine by Saint Motel
- Play the Part by Two Feet
- Serotonin by Angie McMahon.
What is the story of High Potential?
The story of High Potential revolves around Morgan Gillory, who is an intellectually gifted single mother, working as a cleaner for the Los Angeles Police Department. Her skills in detecting minor details across crime scenes first catches the eyes of Daphne and Karadec. Morgan succeeds in providing crucial pieces of evidence, which leads to a major advancement in the case.
Morgan gets enlisted in the police department, where they solve cases around the busy streets of Los Angeles. The official synopsis of High Potential reads:
"Thanks to her exceptional mind, single-mom-of-three Morgan is able to help solve a crime as she rearranges evidence during her shift as a cleaner for the police department."
Stay tuned for more details on High Potential which is available to stream on Hulu.