Following the thrilling premiere, Hotel Cocaine first debuted its initial episode titled The Mutiny on Sunday, June 16, 2024, on MGM+. The episode introduced viewers to a complex web of characters and conflicts set within the notorious Mutiny Hotel in 1970s Miami, which is a notorious haven for drug traffickers, celebrities, and covert dealings.
As the first episode concluded, the dramatic crescendo left fans eager for more of it, particularly after the shocking act of Roman Compte shooting Chucho, the scene that promises deeper explorations of loyalty, betrayal, and survival in the criminal underworld.
Anticipation is mounting as the release of the second episode, titled The Orishas approaches. Scheduled to air on Sunday, June 23, 2024, the upcoming episode is expected to go deep into the spiritual and mythological elements that underpin the series' plot.
As the title of Hotel Cocaine Episode 2 suggests, The Orishas may introduce themes of fate and justice seen through the lens of Yoruba deities, which would add a profound layer to the ongoing drama. Audiences are keenly awaiting to see how the characters' paths will be influenced by these powerful spiritual forces, setting the stage for an enthralling continuation of the series.
Hotel Cocaine Episode 2: Release date & time
Hotel Cocaine Episode 2 will premiere on Sunday, June 23, 2024, at 3:01 am ET and below you will find the complete list of release dates and times for the much-awaited episode 2 for all selective regions, along with the corresponding timezones:
Where to watch Hotel Cocaine Episode 2?
Hotel Cocaine Episode 2 can be premiered exclusively on MGM+ and it’s unavailable beyond the licensed platform. The first episode is also available to be watched, so fans can catch it if they haven't already. Set the alarm on the mentioned time and tune into MGM+ to watch the much-awaited episode 2.
A brief recap of Hotel Cocaine Episode 1
Hotel Cocaine episode 1, titled The Mutiny, sets the stage for a gritty drama rooted in the 1970s Miami drug scene centered around the infamous Mutiny Hotel. The episode introduces Roman Compte, who is the general manager of the hotel and navigates a dangerous balance between his familial responsibilities and his criminal associations.
The episode begins with a chilling murder by a Haitian gang aiming to steal cocaine, establishing the brutal stakes of the drug trade, which foreshadows the volatile environment that Roman operates within, where violence is both sudden and severe. Roman is depicted as a man torn between different worlds- his job at the hotel, his estranged brother Nestor, a known drug trafficker, and his role as a father.
As the plot moves forward, Roman's complexity deepens. He is forced to confront his brother, Nestor, after learning from Agent Zulio, a DEA agent, that his hotel harbors a drug trafficker he must apprehend to protect his daughter from foster care, which reignites their strained relationship, culminating in Roman being coerced into committing a violent act to prove his loyalty to Nestor.
Further tension is added by the hotel owner, Burton Greenberg, who nervously anticipates an interview with the famous journalist Hunter S. Thompson. Burton fears that Thompson's investigation could unearth dark family secrets that would jeopardize not only his reputation but also the future of the Mutiny Hotel.
The episode climaxes with Roman making a fateful decision to shoot Chucho, who is a hotel regular suspected of disloyalty, to prevent him from exposing Roman as an informant. The act of violence is a desperate attempt to maintain his cover and protect his family, which shows the precariousness of Roman's situation.
What to expect from Hotel Cocaine Episode 2?
In episode 2 of Hotel Cocaine, titled The Orishas, viewers can anticipate a deepening of the spiritual and supernatural elements hinted at in the title. The episode is expected to explore the moral and mystical influences on the characters, particularly how Roman grapples with the repercussions of his drastic actions in the premiere.
As the DEA closes in and tensions within the criminal underworld escalate, Roman's loyalties and ethics will be further tested. Audiences should brace for intense drama unexpected alliances and a closer look at how the Orishas—Yoruba deities—might symbolically influence the unfolding events in this gritty series.
Episode 2 will premiere on MGM+ on Sunday, June 23, 2024.