Since the first episode aired in 1994, FRIENDS has been ruling the hearts and minds of audiences from all walks of life. Set in the backdrop of Manhattan, New York, the show portrays the lives of six friends working through their daily challenges together over a cup of coffee at their resident coffee shop. Whether it is career goals, relationships, or general shenanigans, the group is there for each other through thick and thin.
As the show came to an end, they all found their respective life partners. Chandler and Monica moved to the suburbs to raise their twins, and Pheobe found Mike. Even Ross and Rachel finally got back together in the end, and the only friend left single is Joey Tribbiani. Joey dated numerous women during the show's two seasons. He even dated Rachel for a while, and the show hinted that he and Pheobe would take the romantic route, which didn't end up happening.
By the end, none of it worked out, and the show ends with Joey as a bachelor while all his friends have begun a new chapter in their lives. But as the show went on, Joey served an important role as the matchmaker for all his friends and helped them fulfill their love stories. On purpose or not, here are some instances where he became the perfect wingman.
Different ways Joey helped his friends get together
1) Monica and Chandler
Right before Ross and Emily's wedding, Monica was looking to get together with Joey, but he wasn't in his room. So she hooked up with Chandler instead, fell in love, and they got married. In the FRIENDS episode The One with the Proposal, Monica plans a surprise proposal for Chandler, and Joey plays a pivotal role in setting it up.
During Chandler and Monica's wedding ceremony, Joey stepped up to officiate when they had trouble finding someone to perform the ceremony.
2) Pheobe and Mike
Joey and Pheobe made a deal where they would set each other up on a blind date. However, Joey failed to fulfill his end of the bargain and had to improvise. He went to Central Park, shouted "Mike," and took the first person who answered as Pheobe's date. Things actually clicked between Pheobe and Mike, and they ended up getting married.
Joey also officiated their wedding in the 12th episode of the show's final season. The minister who was supposed to do it got stuck in the snowstorm and Joey had already been ordained for Monica and Chandler's wedding.
3) Ross and Rachel
Ross and Rachel have had the most unstable relationship of all the characters in FRIENDS. Their "will they, won't they" dynamic has become a template for many other future TV couples.
In the episode where the gang watches Ross and Rachel's "tape," they find out both got drunk, and Rachel uses Joey's signature "Europe story" to come onto Ross. So, indirectly, Joey is responsible for Ross and Rachel's daughter Emma's coming into the world.
Through the course of the show, Joey has proved that he genuinely cares for his friends and wants them to lead happy and fulfilled lives. He made several sacrifices for their sake, such as Monica's jellyfish incident, and it is not a surprise that he was heavily involved in bringing all the ending couples together.