High Potential debuted on ABC on September 17, 2024 and is a crime procedural show that blends comedy with intense investigation. The show is inspired by the French series HIP: High Intellectual Potential, offering a unique twist on the genre with its protagonist solving crimes for the LAPD.
Kaitlin Olson plays Morgan, one of the main characters in the show. Originally hired by the LAPD's Major Crimes Unit, Morgan is a single mother with an IQ of 160 who first worked as a caretaker.
Her extraordinary intelligence helps her to rapidly be quite helpful to the detectives in solving their toughest cases. With eleven episodes, the show's central storyline is about Morgan's odd alliance with a seasoned, by-the-book detective.
Release schedule of High-Potential
The new episodes of High Potential air every Tuesday at 10:00 pm ET. Here’s the release schedule:
Main storyline of High Potential
Morgan is a clever single mother with a unique capacity to solve complicated cases. Despite her distinctive techniques, she is hired by the LAPD's Major Crimes Unit, where her acute brain rapidly becomes useful.
She works with Karadec (Daniel Sunjata), a seasoned investigator who is first wary about dealing with her. Morgan's friendship deepens over time as she assists others in resolving challenging instances.
Each episode involves a fresh case, such as a murder investigation or a missing person, and Morgan's strong observation abilities allow her to detect minor facts that others overlook. The show distinguishes itself from other crime dramas by taking a unique approach to investigating crimes.
The show explores Morgan's personal life in addition to her professional endeavors. Her family life gives her character dimension because she is a mother to two teens. Her character gains emotional depth and becomes more accessible to viewers due to striking a balance between her busy profession and motherhood duties.
Another important narrative aspect is the bonds Morgan forms with her coworkers. Her relationship with Karadec and the team keeps evolving as she integrates more fully into the Major Crimes Unit. The next day, viewers who missed an episode may watch it on Hulu, ABC.com, or the ABC app.
Cast of High Potential
Kaitlin Olson plays Morgan Gillory, a single mother who helps the LAPD solve crimes and manages her personal life while using her intelligence to uncover investigation details swiftly.
Morgan's LAPD partner, Detective Karadec, who takes a more conventional approach to investigation, is portrayed by Daniel Sunjata. Their working relationship changes over time. Deniz Akdeniz plays Lev "Oz" Osman, a young detective who is upbeat and willing to help, and Javicia Leslie plays Daphne Forrester, a detective who assists in analyzing case information.
Judy Reyes plays Lieutenant Selena Soto, a high-ranking officer overseeing major criminal investigations. Amirah J plays Morgan's daughter, Ava, a teen dealing with personal issues, while Matthew Lamb plays her son, Elliot, who shares his mother's intelligence.
The show combines crime-solving and family interactions, with each character contributing to the overall plot. Garret Dillahunt, Taran Killam, and Christopher Cousins are some of the supporting cast.
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