The Affair is an American television drama series created by Sarah Treem and Hagai Levi. Premiered for the first time on Showtime on October 12, 2014, the series ran for five seasons, concluding on November 3, 2019. The star cast of the series has Dominic West, Ruth Wilson, Maura Tierney, and Joshua Jackson. The Affair explores the emotional fallout from an extramarital relationship through multiple perspectives.
The Affair starts in Montauk, New York, with Noah Solloway and Alison Bailey getting together. With four children, Noah and Helen are married, and after their son dies, Noah gets involved with Alison, a waitress having marital problems with Cole. The narrative is delivered differently depending on how prejudiced each character's memory is, presenting conflicting accounts of the same events.
The Affair develops over time to encompass the perspectives of Helen and Cole, Noah and Alison's husbands, exploring the intricacies of their divorcing marriages and the ensuing emotional and legal fallout, culminating in the terrible events and disclosures in the last season.
Series guide for The Affair
Season 1
In the first season of The Affair, Noah Solloway, an instructor and aspiring writer, meets waitress Alison Bailey in Montauk, New York, who is grieving her son's death. The season looks at their adulterous affair from several perspectives, demonstrating how the individuals have different points of view.
Alison is married to Cole, while Noah is married to Helen and has four kids. Both of the marriages are in trouble as Alison and Cole are estranged following the murder of their kid, while Noah harbors grudges against his affluent in-laws. Following a fortuitous encounter at a diner, the relationship blossoms as Noah and Alison tour Montauk together while pretending to be doing book research.
Complicating matters are the Lockhart family's participation in drug trafficking and conflicts within Noah's family. The season ends with confrontations, including Noah's violent brawl with Cole, and hints of more unrest in the form of flash-forward sequences showing Noah and Alison being probed by the police.
Season 2
The consequences of Noah and Alison's affair are explored in the second season of The Affair, which broadens the plot to include Helen and Cole's viewpoints. Martin, one of the kids impacted by Noah and Helen's acrimonious divorce, has been diagnosed with Crohn's disease.
As Alison tries to make ends meet after being dismissed by Yvonne, who finds out about her romance with Noah through his book, Noah lives in solitude and suffers with his writing. Because of her friendship with Max and the consequences of her divorce, Helen's life falls apart.
In the meantime, Cole struggles with his affection for Alison while facing financial difficulties made worse by Noah's candid book. The fact that Helen killed Scotty Lockhart unintentionally while driving under the influence complicates matters by placing Alison at fault during a collision. To everyone's surprise, Noah accepts the responsibility since he is having legal issues.
The season also delves into the Lockhart family's secrets, Alison's business dealings with Cole, and Noah's tense relationship with his kids. The drama intensifies once Noah confesses, putting everyone's lives in jeopardy. The season's complex narrative enthrals, providing an engaging continuation of The Affair.
Season 3
The third season of The Affair explores Noah's tense relationships, strange meetings, and life after his release. Tensions with his sister's spouse arise when Noah inherits his father's home. As everything is going on, Alison struggles with her history and battles for Joanie's custody.
As Helen negotiates her relationships and faces her sorrow over Scott's passing, her life descends into chaos. Complexity is added by Juliette, a new character, and Noah's delusions about a jail guard become more intense. Amidst legal issues, Cole battles his affection for Alison.
As Noah and Juliette travel to France at the end of the season, Noah makes contact with his daughter Whitney once again. The season tackles themes of atonement, forgiveness, and the intricacies of love and grief despite its disparate storylines.
Season 4
The fourth season of The Affair delves into Noah's turbulent relationships with Helen and Alison as well as his relocation to Los Angeles for his kids. Noah deals with his son's possible homosexuality while working as a high school teacher. While in treatment, Alison becomes involved with Ben, her enigmatic new lover.
Helen deals with the news that Vik has terminal cancer as well as the startling discovery that their neighbor is expecting a child. While resolving marital troubles with Louisa, Cole struggles with his affection for Alison. The story is told from each character's point of view, and it ends with Alison's untimely death and the ensuing fallout.
Alison dies as a result of Ben's violent outburst, leaving her loved ones in shock. Helen deals with the intricacies of love and loss, while Cole deals with his unresolved feelings. With unanswered questions and unfinished plots, the season ends, leaving fans longing for more.
Season 5
In the last season of The Affair, many characters' stories converge as they work through relationships and personal issues. At Vic's funeral, when conflicts over burial plans emerge between Helen and Vic's parents, Noah's perspective opens the season. As Sierra, Vic's neighbor, gives birth, Helen supports her, while Noah and Janelle's relationship struggles.
In the meantime, Joanie learns more about her family's past as she looks into her mother's passing. While Noah is accused of sexual assault, Whitney battles with her identity and relationships. Noah organises a flash mob at Whitney's wedding, which serves as the season's climax.
Viewers are left with a sorrowful conclusion as the finale reveals that Helen has passed away. Noah visits her cemetery before dancing by himself. The season's exploration of perception, relationships, and personal development highlights the richness of human emotions and experiences.
The Affair can now be watched on Amazon Prime Video.