Netflix's latest workplace comedy series Tires, released on May 23, 2024, revolves around two cousins, Will and Shane, keeping their automobile repair business afloat in the imminent danger of it being sold due to dwindling customers.
Starring many comedians from local Philadelphia standup circuits, the series is dotted with references to Philadelphia, and it is evident that the locale certainly influences the show when it comes to locations, accents, and references. Steven Gerben and comedian Shane Gillis star in the primary roles of Will and Shane, alongside other Philadelphia-based cast members such as Andrew Schulz, Kilah Fox, and Stavros Halkias.
Let us delve deeper into the show's details, its references to Philly, and why it makes for an excellent watch.
How has Philadelphia influenced Tires?
The narrative of Tires centres around Philadelphia, in the neighbourhood of West Chester. During the show, it is mentioned that Valley Forge Automotive Center also has branches in other areas of Philadelphia, including Wayne, Belmont, and Springfield.
It is apt to select West Chester as the primary setting since it lies at the hub of major highways and transport channels. In real life, the town is already an automotive industry, which adds a realistic layer to the premise.
The influence of the city is also clear in the casting. The culture and accent of the city come across clearly with Philadelphia comedy veterans like Mike Rainey, Mary Radzinski, Chris O’Connor, Kilah Fox, Tommy Pope, Chip Chantry, Tim Butterly, and Matt McCusker making appearances.
Additionally, the filming for the first season was conducted mainly in Philadelphia. The main location of the Valley Forge Automotive Center was a real tire shop in East Gay Street, named Tires Etc.
Another location-based Philadelphia reference is the surrounding area of the tire shop as shown in the series. In the parking lot behind the shop, audiences might be able to spot the TruMark Financial Credit Union on East Market Street, with its distinct red-tile roof.
Since Shane Gillis financed the production himself, it was certainly up to him to choose filming locations that might add to the mise-en-scene of the show.
What is Tires about? The story and cast explored
The show follows the story of Will (played by Steven Gerben), the heir and recently appointed manager of his father's car repair shop, Valley Forge Automotive Center. Will seems to be an ill-fitting manager and takes time to come to terms with his responsibilities and the upkeep of the business. He tries new (and often ineffective) techniques to try and attract more customers.
The district manager Dave (played by Stavros Halkias) is responsible for overseeing Will's work but seems equally unaware of how to handle his position.
Will's cousin Shane (played by Shane Gillis) also works at the shop, with his primary goal being pestering Will. He is the chaotic force behind the repair shop's poorly thought-out advertising campaigns, and promotional schemes to get more customers.
The main conflict of season 1 is that Will's father might end up selling Valley Forge Automotive Center if the business doesn't pick up, forcing Will, Dave and Shane to work together for once to save their jobs. The plot is presented in a slice-of-life mockumentary style of filming, and the show has already been renewed for a second season.
Season 1 of Tires is streaming on Netflix. The six-episode season certainly has many well-timed comedic moments and a slice-of-life storyline that make it worth watching.