The teenage drama The Vampire Diaries, which began airing in September 2009, aired its last season in March 2017. The show, based on L.J. Smith's book series of the same name, has 171 episodes in eight seasons, as well as two spin-off series. Set in Mystic Falls, Virginia, The Vampire Diaries has an IMDb rating of 8.3/10 and an 84% on Rotten Tomatoes.
The Vampire Diaries follows Nina Dobrev as Elena Gilbert, a 17-year-old high school girl who falls in love with Stefan Salvatore, played by Paul Wesley. What Elena doesn't know initially is that Stefan and his brother Damon (Ian Somerhalder) are vampires who are centuries old.
Over the course of eight seasons, the show delves into their lives along with those of Elena's friends and schoolmates. These include Elena's best friend Bonnie (Kat Graham, who is a Salem witch, and Elena's brother Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen), who turns into a vampire hunter. The show also features Elena's friend, Tyler Lockwood (Michel Trevino), who is portrayed as rich, arrogant, and selfish. However, after he triggers a family curse that turns him into a werewolf, his behavior seemingly changes.
Tyler triggers his family's curse after accidentally killing someone. However, Tyler is also killed multiple times in the show, the final one being at the hands of Damon Salvatore in episode three of season eight of The Vampire Diaries.
The show also sees Elena becoming a vampire, with both Stefan and Damon wanting her to take the cure that would restore her mortality. Fans also see her doppelganger, Katherine, in the later episodes of the show.
Owing to the original show's popularity, it had two spinoffs - The Originals and Legacies. The Originals aired from 2013 to 2018 and followed Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies), members of a family known as the Originals. They are the world's oldest living vampires and are over 1000 years old.
Meanwhile, Legacies aired from 2018 to 2022 and followed Klaus' daughter, Hope Mikaelson (Danielle Rose Russell), who carries the family legacy. This spinoff of The Vampire Diaries targeted the younger generation of supernatural beings in Mystic Falls.
How does Tyler Lockwood die in The Vampire Diaries?
In the initial seasons of The Vampire Diaries, athletically built Tyler Lockwood was portrayed as an arrogant and selfish teen who had a short temper. He is also shown as a proud and rich person. However, his life becomes complicated when he accidentally kills a female classmate in season two of the show. This accident, triggers his family curse, turning him into a werewolf.
Following this, it was tough for Tyler to initially turn and the first few full moon transformations showed him why the curse shouldn't have been activated. However, when his uncle Mason Lockwood (Taylor Kinney) arrived, he helped the teen understand what it was like to be a werewolf. Later, Hayley Marshall (Pheobe Tonkin) was also shown helping Tyler.
Later in the series, the siphoner, Kai Parker, played by Chris Wood, puts Elena into her magical sleep. Following this, Tyler leaves Mystic Falls on Elena's advice, as she wanted him to enjoy his life.
However, when Tyler tried talking to Damon, the vampire wasn't in the right state of mind and ended up killing Tyler by ripping his throat out in season 8 episode 3. Titled You Decided That I Was Worth Saving, the episode saw Tyler utter his last words to Damon.
"If this is it, if this is the way I go out, then let me go out as the face that you can never erase from your brain. The face that reminds you, to the end of time, of the moment you gave up. The moment you threw away everything you've ever wanted... to be a siren's little b*tch,” Tyler said.
Tyler always wanted to avenge his mother by killing Klaus Mikaelson, one of the original vampires and a hybrid. When Klaus turned the werewolf into a hybrid and Tyler didn’t have to turn on every full moon, he got sired to Klaus. However, he later found a way to break the sire bond.
A Traveler named Julian possessed Tyler in The Vampire Diaries, season 5, episode 19, titled Man of Fire. However, when Julian is forced to enter Mystic Falls, Tyler dies as the magic is stripped away, and he ends up on the other side. Later, with the help of witches Bonnie and Liv, he returned to the show as a human and not a hybrid.
Tyler triggered his werewolf curse once again when Liv, who was on the verge of death, wanted Tyler to kill her to activate his werewolf gene and save himself.
All eight seasons of The Vampire Diaries are streaming on Netflix.