Invisible premiered on Disney Plus on Friday, December 13, 2024. The miniseries tells the story of a 12-year-old boy who discovers he has the power of invisibility after suffering a near-fatal accident. The show combines elements of drama and fantasy as the boy comes to terms with his newfound power.
The show is based on a book of the same name, written by Eloy Moreno in 2018. Besides blending fantasy and drama, Invisible touches on themes of bullying, post-traumatic stress disorder, coming-of-age, and responsibilities that come with acquiring power.
The cast of this Disney Plus series includes Eric Seijo, Aura Garrido, Diego Montejo, Miki Esparbé, Liv Dobner, and Izan Fernández.
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Cast list of Invisible
1) Eric Seijo
Eric Seijo is a young actor who plays the titular role of Capi. He is a young 12-year-old boy who experiences a near-tragic accident that leaves him with significant PTSD, along with the power to become invisible.
After his accident, Capi finds himself without any information about what exactly happened—neither his school friends, family, nor teachers. A psychologist delves into Capi's accident. As Capi begins to trust him, he reveals how he has nightmares of dragons and monsters and possesses the power to become invisible.
Seijo makes his acting debut in this show. He has previously acted in a commercial and the short film A Kid Doesn't Know by Pau Simón.
2) Aura Garrido
Aura Garrido plays a new substitute teacher, who is the only one willing to help Capi and make the invisible visible.
Garrido has appeared in many Spanish and English films such as Stockholm, Viral, Daniela Forever, and Malnazidos. The 35-year-old actress is no stranger to television, having played roles in the Netflix series The Innocent, A Private Affair, and El Ministerio del Tiempo.
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3) Diego Montejo
Diego Montejo plays a bully in the series—someone who constantly picks on Capi.
Born in Madrid, Spain, Montejo played Simba Junior in The Lion King at the Lope de Vega theater when he was 11 years old. He has also starred in films such as Zasback, Voy a pasármelo bien, and Cristo y Rey.
4) Miki Esparbé
Miki Esparbé plays the psychologist who helps Capi manage and treat his PTSD. Due to their sessions, his young patient slowly begins to trust him and opens up about his power.
Esparbé has appeared in Spanish films such as Off Course, Malnazidos, and Barcelona, nit d'estiu. He also acted in The Innocent alongside Garrido.
5) Liv Dobner
Liv Dobner plays Kiri, Capi's love interest. She makes her acting debut in this miniseries.
Other cast members in Invisible
- Izan Fernández as Zaro
- David Verdaguer as Dragon
- Anastasia Russo
- Alejandro Gasco as Jairo
- Nicolás Costi as Nacho
About Invisible
The show consists of six episodes and is available to stream exclusively on Disney Plus. The official synopsis reads:
"A twelve-year-old boy who, after an accident that almost cost him his life, thinks no one can see him. Like superheroes, he's managed to make himself invisible. After a traumatic accident, 12-year-old Capi discovers that he now possesses powers..."
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Interested viewers can stream all episodes of the series on Disney Plus.