11.22.63 is a science fiction thriller television series based on a Stephen King novel of the same name. The series is produced by James Franco who also played the lead character of Jake Epping.
The book is centered around the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, where a school teacher is given an opportunity by his friend to go back in time and stop the assassination, changing the course of history.
11.22.63 is directed by multiple directors and has JJ Abrams, Bridget Carpenter and Bryan Burk attached as the executive producers. The series, starring James Franco, Sarah Gadon, Cherry Jones, Lucy Fry and George MacKay, was released on Hulu on February 15, 2016.
11.22.63 is based on a novel by Stephen King
11.22.63 is based on Stephen King's novel of the same name published in 2001. The book taps into the historical intrigue of the assassination of American President John F. Kennedy, which is among the most analyzed events in American history. He was shot by a former US Marine, Lee Harvey Oswald, while riding in a presidential motorcade during a tour in Dallas Texas on November 22, 1963.
Oswald was caught by the police but was fatally shot on live television while he was being moved through the basement of Dallas Police Headquarters. There are numerous speculations regarding these events that have spawned several conspiracy theories.
The idea for the book came to King in 1971, but he said that he lacked the research prowess and literary skills required to write a book of such a nature. The book was eventually published on November 8, 2011, becoming the 60th published book of the King of Horror.
The novel was a New York Times bestseller for 16 weeks and received numerous accolades including the International Thriller Writers Award for Best Novel, the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Best Mystery/Thriller and the Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel.
What is 11.22.63 about?
The story follows a normal teacher from Lisbon Falls, Jack Epping, played by Franco, who finds out that his friend Al Templeton has a time portal.
Jack has recently been divorced, and when the opportunity is presented to him to skip his current life and go on a mission to prevent the assassination of JFK by Lee Harvey Oswald, he accepts it and travels back to September 9, 1958.
Al has cancer and can't go through the time portal, but Jake stops the assassination, and it could also stop the Vietnam War. So, with a new life and identity, Jack navigates the new world and the complexities of time travel. He starts a new life as George Amberson and has to continue his mission without raising any suspicion.
The novel is a masterful integration of fiction with real historical events and holds the reader with its gripping narrative. The series follows the same path and succeeds in creating a suspenseful atmosphere.
It explores the deeper themes of time travel and the consequences and moral dilemmas of changing historical events.
11.22.63 is one of the most celebrated recent Stephen King works, and the series being faithful to the source material, received equally favorable reviews.
The series is available to stream on Prime Video and Apple TV.