The Penguin, a limited series, premiered on HBO on September 19, 2024. It was created by Lauren LeFranc and is a spin-off series from Matt Reeves's 2022 film The Batman. The eight-episode series focuses on the DC Comics character Oz Cobblepot, aka Penguin, played by Colin Farrell. The series is executive-produced by Matt Reeves, Lauren LeFranc, Daniel Pipski, Dylan Clark, Bill Carraro, etc.
The superhero series picks up one week after the film's events and charts the titular character's rise from a mid-level mobster to the crime kingpin of Gotham City.
The show's synopsis, as per Rotten Tomatoes, reads:
"The next chapter in The Batman saga, this crime drama follows Oz Cobb’s quest for power and control in Gotham City."
Yes, there is a change in the release schedule of The Penguin following its first episode. From the second episode onwards, the series will air on Sundays at 9 p.m.
The reason behind The Penguin's changed release schedule explained
The Penguin debuted with the episode After Hours on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 9 p.m. on both HBO and Max. The premiere episode was widely praised and watched by over 242,000 American viewers.
However, the second episode, Inside Man, will air ten days later on Sunday, 29, 2024, at 9 p.m. ET (6 p.m. PT). The remaining episodes of the series will air weekly on Sunday nights until its finale on November 10, 2024.
The Sunday 9 p.m. time slot is a highly coveted spot for the cable network. Historically, it was reserved for cult classics like The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, The Wire, and S*x and the City. Thus, it has built a reputation for showcasing the best that HBO has to offer. The weekend time slot also helps more viewers tune in to the series before the start of the work week.
The Penguin moving to Sundays proves that HBO has faith the project will become a smash hit like its predecessors. Additionally, the series was initially ordered as a Max Original series before becoming an HBO series. This indicates that the makers want the miniseries to reach a wider audience, which is guaranteed with the Sunday time slot.
Plot summary
The Penguin revolves around the titular character's quest for power and control over Gotham City's criminal underworld following the death of his boss, Carmine Falcone. But first, he has to face off with his former boss's daughter, Sofia Falcone (Cristin Milioti), who was just released from the Arkham mental asylum.
Penguin also has to contend with other players in the criminal world, like Sal Maroni and Alberto Falcone, who are also vying to become the next crime lord of Gotham City.
The Penguin cast and characters
The show's cast list is given below:
- Colin Farrell as Oswald 'Oz' Cobblepot / Penguin
- Cristin Milioti as Sofia Falcone
- Rhenzy Feliz as Victor Aguilar
- Mark Strong as Carmine Falcone
- Michael Kelly as Johnny Vitti
- Clancy Brown as Salvatore Maroni
- Deirdre O'Connell as Francis Cobblepot
- Shohreh Aghdashloo as Nadia Maroni
- James Madio as Milos Grapa
- Scott Cohen as Luca Falcone
- Michael Zegen as Alberto Falcone
- David H. Holmes as Nick Fuchs
- Theo Rossi as Julian Rush
- Carmen Ejogo as Eve Karlo
- Craig Walker as Detective Marcus Wise
Furthermore, François Chau and Jared Abrahamson are set to appear in undisclosed roles.
Viewers can watch all episodes of The Penguin on HBO and Max.