The first two episodes of Creature Commandos premiered on December 5, 2024, on Max and started the new DC Universe under the leadership of James Gunn. As the first official project in this new DC Universe, the animated show establishes a brand new canon while still referencing projects from the old DC Extended Universe. However, it is not fully connected to it.
With Creature Commandos being written by James Gunn, the project clearly references events from the films The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker, which it is connected to. While these two projects were connected to the old DC cinematic universe, they are canon in this new universe as well. Gunn originally clarified this in an interview with IGN on November 18, 2024.
He explained that following Creature Commandos, a new canon would be established and clarified the confusion regarding The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker.
“Now in Creature Commandos, you'll hear them talk about things that happened in [The] Suicide Squad or Peacemaker.” Gunn explained.
“Well then, those things automatically become canon,” he added.
So, while the current DC animated show is connected to a few projects from the old DCEU, it doesn't mean it is a part of it. Instead, it brings those connected projects to this brand-new universe.
The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker references in Creature Commandos explored
The first two episodes of the DC animated series do make some big references to The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker. The biggest reference comes at the beginning of episode 1 when the ending of Peacemaker season 1 is directly referenced. At the end of season 1, Amanda Waller's daughter Leota Adebayo leaks Waller's dirty secrets to the public.
Due to this, she is no longer able to recruit humans for dangerous missions. Hence, the titular group is formed as they consist of monsters such as Dr. Phosphorus, Weasel, G.I. Robot, Nina Mazursky, and the Bride. The task force is known as Task Force M rather than Task Force X, as the M stands for monsters.
With the inclusion of Weasel in the show, The Suicide Squad is already made canon. Given that Weasel was in the film's opening and the events of Project Starfish—where Starro attacked Corto Maltese—are directly referenced here, fans get to see that the film is canon in this new DC Universe as well.
Aside from these references, Amanda Waller also mentions Rick Flag Jr., the son of Rick Flag Sr., who Peacemaker killed in The Suicide Squad. So far, only these projects have been referenced. However, it remains to be seen whether any other references will also be made here.
What is Creature Commandos about?
Creature Commandos is a brand new DC show created by James Gunn. It follows a group of monsters led by Rick Flag Sr. as they travel to Pokolistan to stop Circe. The official logline of the show reads:
"CREATURE COMMANDOS tracks a secret team of incarcerated monsters recruited for missions deemed too dangerous for humans. When all else fails… they’re your last, worst option."
The show premieres new episodes every Thursday at 12 am PT on Max.
Stay tuned for further updates on the DC animated series.