Earth Abides is a dystopian science fiction series created by Todd Komarnicki. He is an eminent American writer and filmmaker known for his works, such as Perfect Stranger (2007), Sully (2016), The Professor and the Madman (2019), and Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin. (2024).
The first episode of Earth Abides, titled Alone, debuted on December 1, 2024. It started with the story of Isherwood Williams, who recovered from a rattlesnake bite, only to find that most of the world's population had been consumed by a lethal virus.
Kormanicki's Earth Abides is not based on a true story. The series is a science fiction story adapted from George R. Stewart's novel Earth Abides, first published in 1949. The series shares a close resemblance to the original book, moving parallel to the storyline and its original characters.
What is George R. Stewart's Earth Abides about?
George R. Stewart's 1949 book is a dystopian science fiction set in Berkeley, California, during the 1940s. The story mainly revolves around Isherwood Williams, who is working as a geologist in the Sierra Nevada mountain range for his graduate thesis.
He lives mostly detached from the outer world, in a cabin in the mountains, where he gets bitten by a rattlesnake. The overall description of the titular character in the series is very similar to the one written in the novel. In the book, Ish struggles for weeks, moving in and out of his consciousness, but here, the disease is described as something similar to measles.
After recovering from the disease, Ish heads back to the city only to discover that most of the people have succumbed to a lethal virus. With even his parents gone, Ish realizes the only way to survive in the new world is to look for the people who have sustained the pandemic and are immune to the virus.
Ish eventually finds a friendly dog he names Princess. This is similar to the end of episode 1, where Ish finds a dog that becomes his companion, whom he names Lucky. Eventually, in the book, Ish begins to move across the country looking for survivors. He returns to his home in California and begins searching for ways to survive, all the while reading Ecclesiastes.
Similarly, in Earth Abides episode 1 itself, viewers can see Ish reading the Bible, scavenging the library, and going back to primitive ways to survive in the new world. In George R. Stewart's book, Ish eventually meets a girl named Emma, with whom he has kids. In the book, Ish starts bringing the survivors together, creating a new civilization that prioritizes primitive ways.
At the end of Earth Abides episode 1, after a year of surviving only with his dog, Ish sees smoke burning at a distance from his home's terrace. This indicates that there are still survivors out there. As per the series' official trailer, viewers can confirm that similar to the book, Emma's role will be very crucial in the series. Hence, viewers can expect Todd Kormarnicki to include more content from the original book in future episodes of Earth Abides.
Who is in the cast of Todd Kormarnicki's Earth Abides?
The complete list of cast in the series includes:
- Alexander Ludwig as Isherwood Williams
- Jessica Frances Dukes as Emma
- Elyse Levesque as Maurine
- Rodrigo Fernandez-Stoll as Jorge
- Aaron Tveit as Charlie
- Luisa d'Oliveira as Molly
- Birkett Turton as Ezra
- Hilary McCormack as Jean
- Taylor Kinequon as Arabella
- Martin Donovan as Milton
- Toby Marks as Penelope
- Leah Gibson as Ann
- Amarah Taylor
- River Codack
- Eamon McBride
- Denzel Onaba
- Samson Peake Ondego
- Adelyn Bruce
- Jenna Berman
- Aleksandra Cross
- Lennox Leacock
- Isaiah Ramirez
- Elias Leacock
Fans should stay tuned for more details on the post-apocalyptic series. It is available to watch on MGM+ and Amazon Prime.