A Man in Full is a new miniseries on Netflix, created by David E. Kelly. It is an adaptation of the popular novel of the same name by acclaimed American author Tom Wolfe. A Man in Full premiered on Netflix on May 2, 2024. The limited series has a total of six episodes, all of which premiered on the same day.
The series has been adapted from Tom Wolfe's 1998 novel and translated into the context of the 21st century. The novel focuses on the functioning of the high society in Atlanta, Georgia with a focus on real estate mogul Charlie Croker, played by Jeff Daniels.
Adapting A Man in Full in a contemporary setting has left certain themes lost in translation. Themes like 1990s politics based on caucasian agrarian values are difficult to put into context in the 21st Century, which has left viewers skeptical about the Netflix miniseries.
What is A Man in Full about?
Tom Wolfe's novel, A Man in Full is a social-class drama that incorporates themes of power, politics, race, and money. Staying true to the focal theme and story of the novel, the Netflix miniseries has modernized the story to fit into contemporary times.
A Man in Full is a nuanced novel that the miniseries has tried to capture to the fullest. The official synopsis as per Netflix reads:
"When Atlanta real estate mogul Charlie Croker faces sudden bankruptcy, political and business interests collide as Charlie defends his empire from those attempting to capitalize on his fall from grace."
The plot follows Altanata real-estate mogul Charlie Croker, who is a well-respected member of the high society. The series plays out over the last ten days in the life of Charlie Croker, as he faces an imminent downfall, eventually culminating in his death.
Other characters in the story include his first wife Diane Croker (played gracefully by Diane Lane), Wes Jordan (portrayed by William Jackson Harper) a mayoral candidate vying for his second term in power, and his second wife Serena Croker (played by Sarah Jones).
The series follows how Charlie Croker deals with the downfall of his once glorious business empire as he learns that he has to repay $800 million to the bank. Each episode follows how Charlie handles the woes of his dwindling wealth along with severe interpersonal issues plaguing his life.
The story also includes various subplots such as a high-octane mayoral election, a racially charged trial involving the assault of a crooked police officer, and a shocking case of a s*xual assault.
Who are the cast members of A Man in Full?
The recently released Netflix miniseries features an ensemble cast led by Jeff Daniels in the role of Charlie Croker, the Atlanta business tycoon facing bankruptcy. Jeff Daniels recently shone in the newest season of American Rust on Amazon Prime Video.
Joining him as his ex-wife is Diane Lane as Martha Croker. She is a versatile actress who has brilliantly portrayed the role of an elite socialite. The talented Lucy Liu is also a part of the cast, playing the role of Joyce Newman.
Other members of the cast include:
- William Jackson Harper who plays Wes Jordan
- Aml Ameen who plays Roger White
- Tom Pelphrey who plays Raymond Peepgrass
- Sarah Jones who plays Serena Croker
- Jon Michael Hill who plays Conrad Hensley
- Bill Camp who plays Harry Zale
- Evan Roe who plays Wally Croker
- Chanté Adams who plays Jill Hensley
A Man in Full has been directed by Regina King (known for One Night in Miami..., and Watchmen) and Thomas Schlamme. All episodes are currently available for streaming on Netflix.