The Empress is a German historical drama series, directed by Katrin Gebbe and Florian Cossen, and written by Katharina Eyssen, Bernd Lange, and Janna Maria Nandzik. The series is based on a true story, presenting a gripping story to take inspiration from, and also speaks about the enforcement of adaptability in the name of tradition.
The show tells the story of a Bavarian princess (Devrim Lingnau), known as Sisi, who struggles to adjust to her life after becoming the empress. While she desires independence, the pressures of royal life and her personal struggles, including mental health issues, weigh heavily on her.
The show's official synopsis on Netflix reads:
"When rebellious Elisabeth falls for Emperor Franz and becomes his unlikely bride, she enters a world of tension and intrigue at the Viennese court."
The series premiered on Netflix on September 29, 2022, and will return on November 22, 2024, with a second season. As reported by Netflix Tudum, it will feature plenty of palace intrigue, gorgeous costumes, and romance.
A glimpse into the story that inspired The Empress
The Empress is a historical drama based on a true story at a certain degree that follows the life of Duchess Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie of Bavaria, daughter of Duke Maximilian Joseph of Bavaria, and his wife Ludovika. She was also known as Sisi or Sissi.
The historical drama The Empress is inspired by the real life of Empress Elisabeth of Austria. The show adapts Sisi's story in a way that mixes true events with artistic interpretation. Her strong desire for independence made her role as Empress difficult, but she eventually embraced it and became a beloved figure in Austria.
The series highlights key moments from her life, including her complicated relationships with her husband and mother-in-law, and her fight for individuality and freedom.
Plot details of The Empress
The story followed her journey from a carefree young woman to becoming an Empress of Austria from her marriage to Emperor Franz Joseph for which she was unprepared. Sisi found herself in the formal world of the Habsburg Court where she struggles to adapt protocol and constant scrutiny of the public lead to her mental health issues.
In the series Emperor Franz's mother Archduchess Sophie and her sister who is Sisi's mother, Ludovika decided to wed their children to ensure the stability of the Habsburg dynasty. Franz Joseph was promised to be wed to Sisi's older sister Helene. But when the two families spent the weekend together, it was Sisi who caught the emperor's attention instead. Later on, they announce their engagement, which made it more dramatic.
In reality, Helene was the preferred bride for Emperor Franz Joseph due to her piety and suitability for royal life, despite her habit of being late. However, when the family visited, Franz Joseph was only interested in her sister, Elisabeth. The engagement was arranged formally through Archduchess Sophie to Ludovika, Elisabeth’s mother.
The show is available on Netflix and has a fresh installment coming in November 2024 on the same platform.