Netflix’s Kaos is a black comedy, mythological series that revolves around the Greek god Zeus, who begins to fear the end of his reign. A creation of Charlie Covell, who is most notably known for his work on The End of the F**king World, Kaos recently saw the release of its season 1 on August 29, which saw the release of a total of 8 episodes.
Kaos stars Jeff Goldblum, Janet McTeer, and Stephen Dillane, and has the following official synopsis:
“A modern day contemporary retelling of Greek mythology.”
The series attempts to reimagine the chaotic world of Greek gods in a modern-day setting and paints a hilarious yet compelling story as three human beings end up realizing their connections with the gods. Here, we look at a detailed review of the first Season of Netflix’s Kaos.
Netflix’s Kaos stars Jeff Goldblum as the Greek God, Zeus
Kaos is set in a modern world that still revolves around Greek gods and goddesses. However, in the modern era, these all-powerful beings have been reduced to political figures who are always paranoid about their reigns coming to an end. Something similar happens to the protagonist, Zeus, who discovers a wrinkle on his forehead.
However, as Greek gods are not supposed to age, Zeus ends up panicking and believes that his reign is coming to an end, which may also indicate the end of the world. The character is a far cry from the traditional portrayals of the powerful god. Goldblum’s Zeus wears an elaborate white suit and is seen constantly struggling with insecurities.
However, Hera, his wife and sister, played by Janet McTeer, attempts to calm him down and believes that her husband might be overreacting. As it turns out, Zeus’ downfall has been kickstarted by none other than Prometheus, who is played by Stephen Dillane. A former friend of Zeus, Prometheus believes in a prophecy that predicts the downfall of Zeus and kickstarts an elaborate ploy to bring about his former friend’s downfall.
Some other Greek mythological figures who have received modern versions include Hades and Persephone, played by the likes of David Therlis and Rakie Ayola.
Regardless, Season 1 of the series presented a thoroughly entertaining plot, with Zeus initially struggling to release Eurydice from the underworld. The series also deals with the characters of Dionysus, the god of pleasure, and Orpheus, who was a Thracian bard, legendary musician, and prophet.
Kaos has proven to be an immediate hit due to its stellar writing, with the screenplay also written by Charlie Covell. The show presents a very unique brand of humor that deals with a range of actual stories from Greek mythology, all while trying to imagine how the characters would react in modern settings.
Going deeper, the series deals with themes of power, betrayal, and greed, and attempts to expose the shortcomings of Greek gods, despite their range of powers and invincibility. Kaos proves to be an entertaining ride right from the start and has a range of bonafide comedy geniuses in its cast.
The series also benefits from its picturesque settings, with a range of mythological sites getting their modern counterparts. Season 1 also proves to be a bit too complex, with a plethora of characters and their storylines playing out chaotically.
Hence, while viewers are bound to be impressed, the sheer number of arcs that Season 1 offered might prove to be the biggest challenge for the Netflix series. All episodes of the series are now available to view on Netflix.