Killing Eve is a popular TV series that first aired in 2018. It centers on the game of cat and mouse between the skilled assassin Villanelle and dedicated MI6 agent Eve Polastri. The series delves into their deep and confusing relationship as they grow increasingly fixated with each other.
Kenny Stowton is Carolyn Martens' son, a tech expert and hacker who works with Eve. He is critical to decoding the dark secrets related to the Twelve, a secret organization.
Kenny's murder in the series left fans confused and in search of answers as the specifics surrounding his death remain a mystery. The still-unresolved issue of who killed Kenny in Killing Eve has sparked several theories and talks among fans.
List of the likely suspects behind Kenny's murder in Killing Eve
1) A member of the Twelve
Kenny's preoccupation with the Twelve and what they were doing made him an ideal target for the organization. With his in-depth understanding of the Twelve and how they operated, he may have been considered an imminent threat to the group's safety.
The Twelve is a powerful, deadly organization that has a track record of killing anyone who challenges them. One of the Twelve had likely been assigned to kill Kenny to keep the group's secrets safe.
2) Konstantin
Konstantin, like Kenny, has a troubled past and was previously a member of the Twelve. Kenny's murderer was a London resident with a motive. Konstantin was aware of Kenny's existence and had been keeping an eye on him.
He also received a mysterious takeaway containing a possible warning or threat written in Russian. Konstantin may have killed Kenny to protect himself or his family.
3) Carolyn
Carolyn is Kenny's mother, and she raised him after his father died. She is a senior member of MI6 with a complicated relationship with Kenny, the origins of which are not explored directly on Killing Eve.
Carolyn disapproved of Kenny investigating the Twelve, given the unlikely circumstances. That day, she may have had the strength to kill him because she knew exactly where he was.
4) Villanelle
Villanelle is the primary suspect in the majority of the murders in the series. She is an expert assassin with a history of killing those standing in her way.
5) Gunn
Gunn, a Twelve assassin from Scotland, was also trained by Konstantin. She first appears in season 4 and is to blame for Villanelle's attack. She may have been involved in Kenny's murder as well, given that he was investigating the Twelve.
Unraveling Reddit theories on who killed Kenny in Killing Eve
Theories on Reddit about Kenny's death in Killing Eve are varied and at odds. One theory holds that Konstantin is the murderer because he confessed to it in a letter, but this is out of character for him. Carolyn may have framed Villanelle, who was in Spain when Kenny died.
Villanelle wished to re-establish her relationship with MI6. However, this theory is questionable because she had been working for MI6 for most of season 2, and it is unclear why Carolyn would suddenly want her killed.
Another theory claims that Geraldine, who was jealous of Carolyn's feelings for Kenny, is the murderer. Some fans believe Konstantin is the murderer, but this is also unclear because he was around when Kenny died and gave multiple versions of what happened.
Watch Killing Eve on Hulu, BBC America, and Amazon Prime Video.