Netflix’s Kleo is a German action-thriller series which premiered in August 19, 2022. Created by Hanno Hackfort, Richard Kropf, and Bob Konrad, the series explores the events surrounding the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany. It features Jella Haase as Kleo Straub, a German Stasi assassin who is wrongly accused by her agency of treason and gets imprisoned.
While the season renewal was announced back in 2022, the series is finally set to hit the global streaming platform on July 25, 2024. It will continue the narrative from where the series left things off in season 1 and follow the titular character on her journey as she looks for revenge against those responsible for her wrongful imprisonment.
How many episodes will there be in Kleo season 2?
The highly-anticipated second season will include a total of 6 episodes, with each expected to have a runtime of around 45 minutes each. The previous season had 8 episodes of a similar length.
Season 2 is set to premiere on Netflix with all the episodes on July 25, and will be available to stream from 3 AM ET. The second installment promises a familiar ride, filled with action and mystery. Fans might get to see some new characters, considering the major involvement that is expected from the CIA, and the KGB.
What happened in season 1?
Following season 1, the former East German spy sets on a mission to extract her revenge from those who betrayed her. The narrative mainly focuses on a mysterious red suitcase containing critical documents that influence Germany’s power dynamics, as Kleo is seen hunting down a range of her former allies.
Season 1 concludes with Kleo trapping Uwe Mittig, a former ally chiefly responsible for her imprisonment. The contents of the red suitcase are also revealed. It contains an agreement between former USA president Ronald Reagan and East German chief Erich Honecker.
Honecker convinces the US government to grant his nation financial aid to justify its existence as independent of West Germany.
What to expect from season 2?
Season 2 will see a majority of the actors from the debut season reprising their roles, including Jella Haase as Kleo Straub, Dimitrij Schaad as Sven Petzold, and Julius Feldmeier as Thilo.
While Kleo was able to determine the contents of the red suitcase in the first installment, it still remains in the custody of the CIA and the protagonist wants to retrieve it now. Season 2 will see her go against both the CIA and KGB, and will see Uwe Mittig emerge as the villain-in-chief.
Regardless, fans can expect the introduction of several new characters as the protagonist will find herself going against bigger threats. However, no information on the fresh faces to join the project has been released as of yet.
The official synopsis for season 2 reads as follows:
“The hunt for the red suitcase continues, as former GDR spy Kleo is determined to retrieve it and destroy it for good – while West Berlin police officer Sven is trying to do everything he can to redeem himself in Kleo’s eyes and work with her again. She’s exactly the dose of adrenalin he’s been missing in his work."
The synopsis continues:
"Because the contents of the red suitcase play a key role in the reorganization of Germany and Europe in the wake of the Cold War, it’s no wonder that the KGB and CIA are after it as well – and Kleo quickly becomes the target of both secret services. But that’s not all: while Europe’s future is in Kleo’s hands, she’s catapulted deeper into her own past than she would like.”
Hence, fans can expect a range of new developments, with Straub set to delve further into her past as an East German soldier.
Kleo Season 2 will be available to watch on Netflix from July 25, 2024.