Lavender Fields is an upcoming Philippine television drama series directed by Emmanuel Quindo Palo and Jojo Saguin. The show is set to premiere on September 2, 2024, on Netflix. It features a star-studded cast, including Jodi Sta. Maria as Lavender Fields/Jasmin Flores, Janine Gutierrez as Iris Buenavidez-de Vera, and Jericho Rosales as Tyrone de Vera/Arthur Pelaez.
The official synopsis reveals that the series follows the story of Jasmin Flores, who loved her clinic life in her mountain town until a brush with a criminal empire took it all away. Now, with a new identity, she is out for revenge. The series also stars Jolina Magdangal as Lily Atienza, Maricel Soriano as Aster Fields, and Edu Manzano as Vittorio Vitto Buenavidez.
Full cast list of Lavender Fields on Netflix
1) Jodi Sta. Maria as Lavender Fields/Jasmin Flores
Jodi Sta. Maria is set to portray the lead role of Lavender Fields/Jasmin Flores in the upcoming drama series. Maria is one of the most flexible stars of her generation, having starred in several hit TV series and films like The Legal Wife and Pangako Sa 'Yo.
2) Janine Gutierrez as Iris Buenavidez-de Vera
In the upcoming drama, Janine stars as Iris Buenavidez-de Vera. Janine has earned praise for her outstanding roles in films like Babae at Baril and Elise.
3) Jericho Rosales as Tyrone de Vera/Arthur Pelaez
Jericho Rosales plays the character of Tyrone de Vera/Arthur Pelaez. Jericho is an accomplished actor and is appreciated in acting circles for his works, in films such as Alagwa and Siargao.
4) Jolina Magdangal as Lily Atienza
Lily Atienza is portrayed by Jolina Magdangal. She is a famous actress and singer of yesteryear, remembered for her roles in Labs Kita...Okey Ka Lang? and Flames: The Movie.
5) Maricel Soriano as Aster Fields
Maricel Soriano plays Aster Fields in the drama. Maricel is more famously known as the Diamond Star, having had a long career with her signature works in Inang Yaya and T2.
6) Edu Manzano as Vittorio Vitto Buenavidez
The character of Vittorio Vitto Buenavidez is played by Edu Manzano. Edu is an actor and TV host who is well remembered for his separate performances in Mano Po and Pakners.
Behind the scenes of Lavender Fields
Lavender Fields is directed by Emmanuel Quindo Palo and Jojo Saguin, both of whom boast relevant experience in the Philippine television scene. The screenplay is written by Maribel G. Ilag, Mark Gomez, Ceres Helga Barrios, Jon David Garcia, and Rio Legaspi. The series is produced by Dreamscape Entertainment, a company known for producing high-quality drama series.
The show is extensively shot in the various bucolic settings in the Philippines, showcasing its beauty. The production faced several challenges, including filming during the pandemic, which demanded strict health protocols to keep cast and crew safe from the virus.
What to expect from Lavender Fields on Netflix?
Audiences can expect an engrossing drama packed with explosive emotions, multi-dimensional characters, and an intriguing plot. The series deals with themes of vengefulness, identity, and resilience.
Under the skilled direction of Emmanuel Quindo Palo and Jojo Saguin, audiences are in for a feast for the eyes and emotions. Social media buzz and quotes from actors indicate the series will offer fresh takes on this genre staple and should be on the watch list of the genre's fans.
The show is expected to premiere on September 2, 2024, on Netflix.