The British television drama series, Missing You, premiered on Netflix on January 1, 2024. Starring Rosalind Eleazar as Detective Inspector Kat Donovan, the show follows the mysterious disappearance of Kat's fiancé, Josh, played by Ashley Walters. After 11 long years, Kat unexpectedly finds him again on a dating app, leading her into a web of complicated events that only deepen as she investigates further.
Since its release, Missing You has consistently ranked among the top 10 shows on Netflix. In addition to Eleazar and Walters, the show's cast includes Jessica Plummer, and Richard Armitage who play significant parts in the narrative. They portray the roles of Stacey Embalo, and Detective Chief Inspector Ellis Stagger, respectively.
Rosalind Eleazar and others star in Missing You
1) Rosalind Eleazar as Detective Kat Donovan
Rosalind Eleazar plays Kat Donovan in Missing You. She’s a dedicated detective inspector in the missing persons unit. Once happily engaged to Josh Buchanan, her world turned upside down when he vanished. After 11 years, Kat unexpectedly finds him on a dating app, and her life is thrown into chaos.
Rosalind Eleazar, recipient of the prestigious Clarence Derwent Award for Best Supporting Female (2021) is best known for her work in The Personal History of David Copperfield (2019), Master of None (2021), and The House of Bernarda Alba (2023).
2) Ashley Walters as Josh Buchanan
Ashley Walters plays Josh Buchanan in the show. He is a journalist and a loving partner to Kat with whom he gets engaged. Unfortunately, their celebration is short-lived as Josh goes missing, and it’s not until 11 years later that Kat finds him through a dating app.
Ashley Walters is best known for being part of projects such as Grange Hill (1997), The Hidden City (2002), and Top Boy (2011-2023)
3) Jessica Plummer as Stacey Embalo
Jessica Plummer plays Stacey Embalo in Missing You. She is a private investigator and also one of Kat's best friends. She is the one who urges Kat to get back into the dating pool after Josh has been missing for 11 years.
Jessica Plummer won the Best Supporting Actress award at the 2022 British Academy Television Awards for her performance in The Girl Before. Other notable works by Plummer include EastEnders (2019–2020), The After (2023), and The Decameron (2024).
4) Richard Armitage as Detective Chief Inspector Ellis Stagger
Richard Armitage plays Ellis Stagger in Missing You. He used to work with Kat's father, Clint Donovan in the past, when he was alive. However, since his passing, he has been working with and mentoring Kat. He has also been partly looking after the emotional needs of the Donovan family, following Clint's demise.
A recipient of a Saturn Award (2015) in the Best Supporting Actor category, Armitage is best known for projects such as The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2013), The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2015), and Hannibal (2016).
Additional cast of Missing You
The remaining cast of the show according to IMDb comprises:
- Lenny Henry as Clint Donovan
- Charlie Hamblett as Charlie Pitts
- Mary Malone as Aqua Vanech
- Felix Garcia Guyer as Reynaldo
- Catherine Ayers as Nia Emine
- James Nesbitt as Dominic Calligan
- Brigid Zengeni as Odette Donovan
- Steve Pemberton as Titus
- Simon Kunz as Detective Khol
- Naomi Wirthner as Flo Khol
- Grace Keeling as Vanessa
- Rudi Dharmalingam as Rishi Magari
- Oscar Kennedy as Brendan Fells
- Jo Martin as Tessie Sewell
- Lisa Faulkner as Dana Fells
- Jackie Knowles as Raya Stagger
- Marc Warren as Monte
- Bo Poraj as Jim Mattson
- Alice Offley as Tamsin
- Lucy Lowe as Ellie Mattson
- Samantha Spiro as Nurse Sally
- Chloé Lemonius as Waitress
- Deepica Stephen as Pia
- Matt Willis as Darryl
- Will Barnett as Claude
- Kieran Burton as Clem
- Raymond Anum as Chef Ade
- Alex Waldmann as Arthur 'Arty' Bork
- Amelie Dokubo as Sadie Cross
All episodes of Missing You are currently streaming on Netflix.