NCIS: Origins, the new investigative drama series on CBS, is a spinoff of the popular show NCIS starring Mark Harmon, who played the lead character of Leroy Jethro Gibbs till season 19. The show is set in 1991 and follows a young Leroy Gibbs, played by Austin Stowell, as the newly appointed agent in the NIS, working under his mentor Mike Franks.
NCIS: Origins is back after the mid-season break to set up how Gibbs transitioned from a marine grieving the loss of his wife and daughter to a charming special agent in NCIS.
NCIS: Origins episode 11, titled Flight of Icarus, deals with an emotional case relating to the PTSD suffered by a soldier, Captain Cameron Reid, who killed himself in his apartment.
In the episode, we also see the emotional side of Mike Franks, whose backstory is revealed through various flashbacks showcasing the love and relationship between him and his older brother.
Did Captain Cameron Reid commit suicide in his room in NCIS: Origins?
The episode focused on the NIS team investigating the death of Captain Cameron Reid in his apartment. Frank showed up at the crime scene wearing uncharacteristic footwear, causing his team to notice and take note. Gibbs took pictures of the crime scene while Franks discussed the victim's wounds with the medical examiner.
However, when Franks and Gibbs rolled over the victim, who until now was on his stomach, they found the murder weapon. The medical examiner suggested that the death of Captain Reid appeared to be a case of suicide.
What made the case more complicated was that the deceased was the son of a celebrated military officer, Lieutenant General Alexander Reid, also known as Alexander the Great in military circles. He refused to believe that his son would commit murder, encouraging the NIS to consider the case as a homicide.
Mike and his brother were drafted for Vietnam in NCIS: Origins
NCIS: Origins episode 11 also featured flashbacks to Mike Franks's early adulthood and takes us back to his time on the farm where he lived with his mother and older brother. The first scene establishes the bond between the brothers as Franks cares for the boots his brother gave him for his 21st birthday.
While investigating the case, Agent Franks decided to return to the crime scene, in case the team had missed any pieces of evidence. There he comes across a pamphlet advertising a Veteran's support group, which triggers another flashback. Here it is revealed that Mike Franks was drafted into the Vietnam War.
Mike's brother wasn't too happy about it and is even seen arguing with an armed service member. Later, Mike decides to go to Vietnam despite his brother's disapproval. In the present time, we see him desperately trying to fix his worn-out boot given by his brother.
Cameron Reid wanted to avoid going to Somali in NCIS: Origins
During the investigation, Franks found out through a neighbor that on the night of his death, Cameron Reid was visited by someone who said that he would return with a gun. Alexander Reid gave Franks a stack of folders of intel that his office compiled on his son's close contacts.
The NIS called each of them and interrogated them one by one. The last one on the list was Nick Barnes, seemingly hesitant to question. Nick quite easily confessed to selling Cameron the gun, but denied any other form of involvement with his death. He further revealed that Cameron was used about his next tour in Somalia, as he was still in trauma from his time served in Kuwait.
Upon investigation, it was clear that Cameron Reid was suffering from PSTD and would rather end his life than be deployed in Somalia. Franks tells General Reid that he was an honest and responsible soldier and was struggling with untreated mental health issues.
NCIS: Origins episode 11 ended with Mike Franks and his brother both leaving for Vietnam. In the final scene, we hear Mark Harmon's narration about what his boss had to do to become the boss and how far he had to go to be like him.
Stay tuned for more news and updates on NCIS: Origins and other films and TV shows as the year unfolds.