NCIS: Origins episode 3, titled Bend, Don't Break, aired on CBS on October 21, 2024. The intense episode that followed the case of a dead young drug dealer and multiple store robberies in a suburban mall, was filled with drama for the NIS agents.
The episode started with a heated confrontation, where Jackson Gibbs grilled Mike Franks for hiring Leroy to NIS after he failed to capture Pedro Hernandez, the man behind the murder of Shannon and Kelly. As a result of this confrontation, Franks benched Leroy.
Later, Leroy argues with his father, as Jackson tells him that he knows that Leory has joined the NIS for vengeance. Leroy works on the gun theft case despite being benched and traps Prado, a security guard at the mall, in the elevator.
NCIS: Origins episode 3 is about a young drug dealer's death
NCIS: Origins episode 3 starts with Leroy throwing a few boxes in the trash when he is visited by Franks, who takes him to a crime scene. A young boy named Emmett Sawyer is found dead. His body was dragged and dumped in the middle of nowhere. Lala discovers a plastic egg with drugs inside, near the body, which indicates that Emmett was a drug dealer.
At the local mall, NCIS officers investigate the case. A security guard named Prado points them toward Emmett's partner, Dougie, who tries to escape. The agents chase him down and apprehend him for interrogation. Dougie tells them that a mythical creature, the mothman, killed Emmett.
Jackson Gibbs confronts Mike Franks in NCIS: Origins episode 3
Jackson Gibbs expressed his anger towards Franks for letting the murderer of Leroy's wife and daughter, Pedro Hernandez, run off to Mexico. Franks replied that he doesn't have jurisdiction there and there is nothing he can do about it now.
Jackson also confronted Franks for hiring Leroy in the NIS, despite knowing that he was not in a healthy mental state after the death of his wife and daughter. He claims that "the boy has got a death wish," and working as a cop would put him in danger.
Franks was affected by Jackson's words, taking Leroy off the field and ordering him to do desk work for some time.
Leroy Gibbs traps Prado in the elevator
Leroy didn't take getting benched well. First, he expressed his anger to his father and asked him to leave. Jackson told him that he knew that Leroy had joined the NIS for vengeance.
Leroy goes back to the field, defying Frank's order. He went to the mall, where multiple stores were robbed, and suspected that the chief of security, Prado, had something to do with the case. He trapped Prado in the elevator, to buy time for other agents trying time to solve the case.
Leroy's instinct turned out to be right. Prado was part of a smuggling ring that used to smuggle guns inside toys and send them to a country where the dictator was killing innocents. One of the guys of the smuggling ring accidentally ran over Emmett and tried to cover it up.
NCIS: Origins episode 3 ends with Jackson going to Leroy's place and retrieving the 'box of rules' that Shannon had compiled, from the trash. The episode set the clash between Leroy and the drug kingpin Pedro Hernandez— a huge part of the NCIS lore.
NCIS: Origins episode 3 is available on CBS and Paramount+.