On May 30, 2024, Netflix released Geek Girl, a British television drama series starring Emily Carey of House of the Dragon fame. The ten-part family-friendly comedy series chronicles the life of Harriet Manners, a socially awkward person. It also highlights her unprecedented rise to stardom following her discovery by the talent acquisition team members of a high-profile fashion advertising company.
At its surface, Netflix's Geek Girl is about a 15-something dorky girl who has been plucked from nothingness and planted into a highly competitive industry. But, at the heart of it, it is much more than that. It is about finding your identity and being happy with your individuality. It is also about finding love in the most unusual places, like Harriet did with Nick.
Disclaimer: This article contains heavy spoilers. Readers' discretion is advised.
Harriet and Nick end up together in Netflix's Geek Girl
While Harriet struggles to find her footing in the cutthroat model industry in Geek Girl, Nick Park (Liam Woodrum) is there to keep her company. Park is a highly successful model who almost immediately caught Harriet's eye due to his impressively good looks. Park also seems to have been enamored by Harriet's presence ever since the two met during London Fashion Week.
Throughout the whole series, the two continue to share fleeting moments of love and passion despite having struggles of their own. These moments over time culminate in a beautiful relationship, which results in them dating by the end of the season.
Harriet ends up walking the ramp for one of the most renowned designers
In episode 10 of Netflix's Geek Girl, Harriet finds out that she will be walking as a model at the renowned Yuji show by Yuji Lee. Confused at first as to what she should do, Harriet finally decides to give the event a shot. For the uninitiated, Nick, Harriet's romantic interest in the show, had previously convinced Yuji Lee about casting Harriet in the coveted show. Therefore, it is fair to say that Nick had a hand in Harriet landing the golden opportunity.
Harriet in Geek Girl is a very good friend
Harriet in Geek Girl is one of those people who believes in friends succeeding together. Therefore, when presented with the opportunity to walk the red carpet of a sought-after fashion event, she decided to get her best friend Nat involved.
Harriet and Nat have been friends since childhood. While Harriet was more inclined towards earning good grades at school, Nat was more inclined towards her dream of becoming a fashion designer. Therefore, when Harriet was discovered by the people from the model agency and flown to Canada, she did not say anything to Nat, thinking that it would break her. However, later on, the truth finally came out, and Nat had zero grievances against Harriet.
In an ode to her, Harriet wears one of Nat's designs on the Bascar event's red carpet.
Harriet makes the most of an embarrassing situation and turns it around for herself
While walking the red carpet at Yuji Lee's show, in a fit of jealousy, Poppy sticks a paper on Harriet's dress that reads "Geek." Harriet, unaware of the incident, walks down the ramp with the paper still stuck to her. Others notice the mishap and start murmuring among themselves; however, no one steps up to help her.
After Wilbur notices what is wrong, he attempts to help her but is sat down by Betty, who believes that Harriet will be able to turn the incident around. He was not wrong. After freezing on stage for a brief moment, Harriet finally gained confidence and walked the ramp like a professional model.
All ten episodes of Geek Girl are currently streaming on Netflix.
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