Netflix’s latest docu-drama series, Toughest Forces on Earth, premiered on the streaming platform on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. In the eight-episode docuseries, three veteran special forces officers—two from the US and one from the UK—travel the world to train with different military and law enforcement units.
Ryan Bates was a Navy SEAL, Cameron Fath was a former US Army Ranger, and Dean Stott was an officer in the SBS, which is a British special unit.
Toughest Forces on Earth is made for viewers who want to learn the inside scoop on some of the world's most elite and secretive forces. It promises camaraderie between the three hosts and interesting insight into what goes on in the forces tasked with protecting the world.
Ryan Bates and others star in Netflix’s Toughest Forces on Earth
US Navy SEAL Ryan Bates
Ryan Bates, a former US Navy SEAL, makes up a third of the presenting team for Netflix’s Toughest Forces on Earth. Bates previously worked for the elite USN (United States Navy) for a dozen years and was deployed to Afghanistan, the Philippines, and Iraq. He now fancies himself an entrepreneur.
Among the former Navy SEAL’s business ventures include being the owner of Globe Bar and Kitchen, The Blind Buck Bar, and Poseidon Applications Group. Bates has also started the Canoe Club USA in 2021.
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US Army Ranger Cameron Fath
Cameron Fath is a former US Army Ranger who served the force for nine years, splitting his year with the US Ranger in active duty and the California National Guard.
As a Ranger, Fath has filled many shoes, including the roles of grenadier, machine gun team leader, fire team leader, and automatic rifleman. In the California National Guard, Fath served as a reconnaissance platoon leader who assisted state law enforcement during the 2020 nationwide civil unrest.
Outside his military career, the former US Army Ranger has established a strong media presence through his podcast and social media channels dedicated to military culture.
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British Special Forces Dean Stott
Former British Special Forces Soldier Dean Stott joined the Royal Engineers in 1995 and a decade later, became a Special Forces Soldier. In 2006, after a grueling selection process, Stott became one of the first Army soldiers to gain a spot in the Special Boat Service team.
Unfortunately, he was forced to leave the force following a parachuting accident in 2011. Outside his 16-year military stint, Stott set double world records: the fastest person to cycle the length of South America and the fastest cycle journey (99 days, 12 hours, 56 minutes) of the Pan American Highway.
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What is the Toughest Forces on Earth docuseries about?
The series shows the three highly skilled individuals thrown into the deep end to get a behind-the-scenes look and experience firsthand the everyday life of the world’s most revered military troops from the US to Colombia, Malaysia, Philippines, Austria, and more.
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The gist is that the three hosts visit elite forces from all over the world, whether law enforcement or military and participate in the group’s training exercises. They get an inside look at the force’s training, tactics, and weaponry.
As per the available plot details of every episode in the Toughest Forces on Earth docuseries, Bates, Fath, and Stott visit and train with eight different elite units worldwide:
- Episode 1: Desert Stormed—the Jordanian Armed Forces
- Episode 2: Narco Takedown—the Jungla unit of the National Police of Colombia
- Episode 3: Arctic Evasion—the Parachute Rangers of the Swedish Armed Forces
- Episode 4: Mud and Guts—Malaysian Army’s Gerak Khas Commando
- Episode 5: Cartel Street Fight—the Mexican Special Forces
- Episode 6: Big Wave Battle—Philippine Navy’s Naval Special Operations Command
- Episode 7: Alpine Assault—the Jagdkommando mountain operations unit of the Austrian Armed Forces
- Episode 8: Dive to Survive—the Explosive Ordnance Disposal team of the US Navy
Watch the testosterone-fueled docuseries Toughest Forces on Earth in full, which is now streaming on Netflix.