Twilight Midnight Sun is an animated return to the Twilight saga, which is based on a novel by Stephanie Meyer of the same name. Netflix will be in charge of leading this project, bringing back to screen the favorite vampire romance. Twilight Midnight Sun was initially released in 2020 and offered a retelling of the original Twilight story but this time from Edward Cullen's perspective.
The book's author, Stephanie Meyer, will be producing the animated series, along with Meghan Hibbett, her business partner at Fickle Fish Films. Together, the two can hopefully bring some fresh air into the saga. They will be joined by Wyck Godfrey and Marty Bowen, the heads of Temple Hill Entertainment, which produced the original Twilight movies.
These familiar faces behind the scenes of the revisiting of this iconic love story, which is Twilight Midnight Sun, certainly bring hope for continuity in its adaptation. Four producers attached to it, besides Erik Feig and Samie Kim Falvey of Picturestart, serve as executive producers. Also attached as a writer and executive producer is Sinley Daly, rounding out the creative team.
What will the plot of Twilight Midnight Sun be?
Twilight Midnight Sun tells the original Twilight story from Edward Cullen's point of view and gives the readers a little deeper dive into his inner thoughts and emotions. The novel covers the events of Bella Swan's introduction to Edward and the beginning of their epic love story.
It gives insight into Edward's character and his special challenges in being a vampire who tries to lead his life morally. His love for Bella further complicates things as he struggles with his instincts to protect her while being continuously tempted by her blood.
Where Twilight is all about Bella's perspective, in Midnight Sun, Edward wrestles with his guilt, loves, and fights the darker side of his nature. It gives the readers another chance to look upon the same event through new eyes, adding a fresh layer of tension and emotional depth to the Twilight universe.
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The cast of Twilight Midnight Sun
So far, no voice actor for Netflix's animated version of Midnight Sun has been confirmed. This remains indefinite if any of the original cast members, such as Kristen Stewart playing the role of Bella Swan, will return.
Animation would allow new talent to finally take on these iconic roles, even if the original cast doesn't make a return. Besides, animation would grant much more creative license in adapting the more fantastic elements of the book. This will make the love story and the action sequences just a little bit more engaging for audiences.
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When will Twilight Midnight Sun be released?
While this announcement of Netflix's Twilight Midnight Sun animated series excites Twilight fans, it will be important to consider that animation projects take time to develop. Considering that the project is in the pre-production stage, one might say that Twilight Midnight Sun should not be expected on Netflix any sooner than 2026, however, nothing is officially confirmed as of yet.
Production for animated series often entails very detailed planning, character design, and a longer post-production period compared to live-action projects. This long wait, however, works in its favor.
It can ensure that the show's production team is well-prepared to translate the magic of the original books and films into an animated series. Until then, fans can only speculate, but be sure: Twilight Midnight Sun will add to Edward's story and rekindle the love they have for the Twilight saga.
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