Netflix's new controversial reality documentary series Unlocked: A Jail Experiment has landed in trouble for allegedly filming the show inside the prison illegally. The series, which was released on April 10, 2024, has stirred up controversy since its release.
Unlocked: A Jail Experiment is the brainchild of Sheriff Higgins, who realized that, unlike the Scandinavian jail system, the American prison system has substantially failed in bringing reforms in the inmate's life and behavior.
The series follows a group of inmates at Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility in Little Rock, Arkansas as they participate in a social experiment.
According to reports, Pulaski County Judge Barry Hyde has said that only a judge can sign the filming contract on behalf of the county, and if Sheriff Higgins has signed the contract with the film crew, it's illegal.
The show was shot last year by Lucky 8 Productions, but the trailer for the show dropped on YouTube on March 13, 2024.
The legality of Unlocked: A Jail Experiment is controversial
Pulaski, Arkansas County Sheriff was troubled by the failure of the American incarceration system, as compared to those in the Scandinavian countries, who have been more successful in reforming the hearts and minds of inmates.
Higgins told Netflix’s Tudum he was inspired to run the experiment because he was worried about “high recidivism rates” and “dismal conditions” of local jails.
However, the show landed in controversy right from the start, as not all viewers were impressed with this approach of the Sheriff. Most recently the show has landed in more serious legal trouble over the bypass of legal protocols, lack of transparency with the officials while making the series, the misunderstanding of legal terms and contractual issues.
The elected officials of Pulaski criticized the prison officials for making the show in secrecy. THV11 captures the public statements of Chief Roy Baker of the state’s First Responders Bureau and Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who called the show reckless and dangerous.
The Judge of Pulaski County has raised the issue of the legality of the show. He said that if Sheriff Eric Higgins signed a contract with the show's production team Lucky 8, he overstepped his legal boundaries, as only a judge has the authority to sign those contracts.
To this accusation, Sheriff Higgins has responded that he didn't sign a contract. He only allowed the crew to film inside the prison, with a memorandum of understanding. Lucky 8 Productions also released a statement conveying their side of the story.
The sheriff also revealed that they were paid $1000 per day when the crew was filming. Though the money has not been transferred yet, when it does, he would donate it to the County fund.
The attorney for Pulaski County, Adam Fogleman, has said that both the Sheriff and County Judge may need to seek outside counsel if this matter goes to the courts.
What is Unlocked: A Jail Experiment about?
Unlocked: A Jail Experiment is an eight-episode Netflix docuseries that films a strange yet bold idea of Sheriff Higgin of Pulaski County Jail.
The idea is to provide the inmates greater freedom for six weeks, during that time their unit cells will be unlocked. Netflix's official synopsis for the series reads,
"At an Arkansas detention facility, a sheriff implements a radical social experiment to grant men who are incarcerated more agency in this reality series."
The show documents the behavior of different inmates amid this unconventional situation, exploring how the detainees create community and structure for themselves when the usual authority of deputies is stripped away. Eric Higgins told Netflix's Tudum:
“The goal was to determine if more autonomy and less control in jails can lead to a more community-oriented living environment and better support one of the fundamental purposes of incarceration: discouraging people from committing future crimes.”
The show tries to break the perception that, people who are inside jails are animals.
The bold idea captured the curiosity of fans, since its announcement. On release Unlocked: A Jail Experiment became the number-one Netflix series, but was later dethroned by Baby Reindeer.
Unlocked: A Jail Experiment explores what happens when inmates are given more independence rather than being kept under lock and key.
This series is unlike any other prison reality show or documentary where they just show the workings of the most brutal prisons in the world. Instead, Unlocked: A Jail Experiment focuses on the more important function of the prisons, which is to reform the ones inside them.
The documentary series is available to stream on Netflix.