Agatha All Along is the 11th television series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, created by Jac Schaeffer, that premiered on September 18, 2024, on Disney Plus. A spin-off series of Wanda Vision, the story is primarily based on the character of Agatha Harkness, played by Kathryn Hahn. The series is set three years after Wanda lifted her spell from Westview, New Jersey.
After losing all her powers, Agatha Harness is trapped in Detective Agnes O'Connor's character. She investigates the murder of a woman whose hands and feet have blackened with dark magic. This provides the very first indication that the Scarlett Witch is most likely dead. In the beginning episodes of Agatha All Along, the viewers are introduced to a Gothic teen who breaks Agatha out of Wanda's hex.
The two team up a coven of witches to embark on a journey to The Witches' Road. A sigil placed on the Teen prevented him from conveying his identity to Agatha and the other witches. But at the end of episode 5, titled Darkest Hour / Wake Thy Power, after Agatha absorbs Alice's power completely, killing her, Teen explodes in rage. After Agatha tells him he is just like her mother, Teen untethers his power, revealing his true identity.
Teen possesses Lilia and Jen and makes them drag Agatha to the sinking them, in turn killing the previous two. Blue magical headwear appears on the head of Teen, which is very similar to that of the Scarlett Witch. This confirms that Teen is Wanda's reincarnated son, Billy Maximoff, who later becomes Wiccan in the comics.
Did Agatha knew about Teen's true identity at the beginning of Agatha All Along?
In the debut episode of Agatha All Along, Teen is first introduced when he tries to sneak inside Agnes' house. She follows him, and eventually, Billy is arrested after a car coincidentally hits him. During the interrogation, Teen breaks the hex on her, bringing back her old self, Agatha.
But when Teen wants to tell about his identity, a sigil prevents him from doing so. This is the very first stance Agatha begins to suspect about his history. At the end of episode 4, Teen mentions Agatha's son (indicating to Nicholas Scratch), but she does not respond. However, during an intimate conversation with Agatha, Rio confirms that Teen is not her son.
Agatha tells him she is very much like his mother to confirm her suspicion. This was a way to test him to convey the truth, as she observed a similar resemblance between the two. Both the mother and son possessed incredibly dark magic but tried their best to make good out of it. It was Wanda who put that Sigil on Billy to hide him from other witches and sorcerers.
Who is Billy Maximoff in Wanda Vision?
In Wanda Vision, after Vision was killed by Thanos, unable to take hold of her sorrow Wanda created an alternative reality around herself, by putting a spell on the entire town of Westview, New Jersey. She mirrored her life like her favorite television sixties and seventies television sitcoms, where Vision is still alive. With her magical powers, she affirmed two kids of her own, named Tommy and Billy.
In Agatha All Along, viewers could gather some bits and pieces of Billy Maximoff when the Teen was described as a native of a neighboring town of Eastview. It was revealed that Teen is gay, and an Easter Egg was dropped that a lot happened to him at the age of 13.
Teen introduced himself to Agatha when he was sixteen years old. Considering the events in Agatha All Along, which started 3 years after Wanda Vision, it can be confirmed that Teen, aka Billy Maximoff, is indeed the son of Wanda Maximoff.
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