Golden Globe Awardee Vigo Mortensen played the role of Aragorn, the rightful king of Gondor in The Lord Of The Rings trilogy. He was seen fighting beside Gandalf The White, Sam, Frodo, Legolas, Faramir, and others, to protect Middle Earth from Sauron and his army.
After they emerge triumphant, Aragon who fell in love with the daughter of Elrond, Arwen, gets married to her. He was crowned king for both Gondor and Arnor. As the LOTR trilogy concluded, Aragon ruled for 120 years and died beside his lover.
In the upcoming film, The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum, Aragorn could return to The Lord of The Rings franchise. With the return of the character, it is expected that Viggo could take up his role again. In an interview with GQ, dated May 28, he opened up about the same.
He will return only if he thinks he is right for the character. He can decide on that once he reads the scripts.
When asked about his return, he said—
"I don’t know exactly what the story is, I haven’t heard. Maybe I’ll hear about it eventually. I like playing that character. I learned a lot playing the character. I enjoyed it a lot."
He continued—
"I would only do it if I was right for it in terms of, you know, the age I am now and so forth. I would only do it if I was right for the character. It would be silly to do it otherwise."
The Lord of The Rings is based on the fantasy novel of the same name by J.R.R Tolkien. Three films in this series are The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002), and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
LOTR: The Hunt for Gollum is supposed to be released in 2026 however there is no official date yet.
What is Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum all about?
The plot of the movie will be around the same timeline as seen in the LOTR movies, where Gandalf takes the help of Aragorn to track Sméagol (Gollum) and asks him about the ring, which Sauron The Dark Lord wants. The ring is in Baggin's possession right now.
When Aragorn tracks down Gollum, he discovers that he was previously held captive by Sauron, who tortured poor Sméagol. Gollum revealed to Sauron two words - Shire, Baggins ~ hinting at the Shire, where the hobbits used to stay, and Baggins referring to Frodo Baggins, who had been entitled to the task of destroying the mighty yet evil ring, which consumes people and draws it towards them.
J.R.R. Tolkien in his book The Fellowship of the Ring describes the ring as—
"One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”
When Sauron finds out about Frodo and his comrade Sam, he sends the Nazgul to capture them and bring him the ring. This part of the story is supposed to be covered in the upcoming film.
Andy Serkis will reprise his role as Gollum in the upcoming movie and direct the film, as confirmed by Warner Bros.
Serkis commented on why narrating the story of Gollum is important and said—
“Gollum’s story is one of the most compelling to us in terms of a character that we couldn’t go as deeply into as we wanted to before, which sounds strange when you say that, given how familiar he is to everybody. ”Gollum’s life span takes place in such an interesting period of Middle-earth.... It just felt right.”
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) is now playing on Netflix.
Learn more about the No. 1 Netflix show HERE