Hailey Welch, known as the "Hawk Tuah Girl," is facing legal trouble after the collapse of her Solana-based memecoin, Hawkcoin. The token, which launched on December 4, 2024, reached a valuation of £392 million ($500 million) before crashing to just £20.6 million ($26.4 million) within days.
Investors accused Hailey Welch and her team of orchestrating a pump-and-dump scheme, with blockchain data revealing that 80-90% of the supply was controlled by insider wallets at launch. One wallet alone reportedly purchased 17.5% of the tokens for £808,000 ($993,000) and later sold them for a £1.05 million ($1.3 million) profit.
Lawsuits have since been filed, with investors collectively claiming losses of over £120,676 ($151,000). After weeks of silence, Hailey Welch finally responded with a tweet on December 20, 2024, stating she is cooperating with legal teams and assisting affected investors.
Hailey Welch sheds light on how she is handling the loss of millions from fans' pockets
After weeks of backlash, Hailey Welch finally addressed the controversy surrounding Hawkcoin in a tweet posted on December 20, 2024. In her statement, Welch acknowledged the situation and spoke directly to her fans, investors, and the public.
"I take this situation extremely seriously and want to address my fans, the investors who have been affected, and the broader community. I am fully cooperating with and am committed to assisting the legal team representing the individuals impacted, as well as to help uncover the truth, hold the responsible parties accountable, and resolve this matter. If you have experienced losses related to this, please contact Burwick Law using the link below: burwick.law/newclient. @BurwickLaw," she wrote.
The tweet gained traction, receiving over 21 million views, 32,000 likes, and 18,000 replies. Many investors and social media users reacted with anger and skepticism.
"You’re going to jail Hailey Welch," said one user.
"Good morning Hailey, I hope you slept well," another user wrote.
Many investors directly blamed Welch for their financial losses.
"I'm so f*cked and I don’t know what to do. When the Hawk Tuah girl announced that she’d release a coin, I genuinely thought it would be my shot at making millions. I convinced my parents to take out a 2nd mortgage on the house, liquidated all my assets, took out a 6 figure loan from the bank and then put everything on $tuah the second it released," a user shared.
"You are a scamming, lying, manipulative, unfunny, annoying person. You have scammed MILLIONS OF DOLLARS and have no remorse for it. You’ve been 'Sleeping' for weeks at this point and just now come out? I wonder if it’s because you are going 'Tuah' jail. Count your days Hailey. The justice system is going to make an example out of you," another user expressed.
Some responses mixed humor with frustration.
"You should rly go on Fortnite Friday to clear this whole mess up. I lost 200k and my wife left me. all I have is fortnite Friday and Hawk Tuah memes. pls Hailey, I beg you," one user said.
"You sniped and sold so much SOL that the price dumped from 260$ to 180$. I lost 4 m $ and my kids don’t have food now. Please help me Hawk Tuah. I trusted you," another user said.
Hailey Welch’s tweet did not directly address the insider trading accusations or the lawsuits, and it remains unclear if she will provide further clarification.