After a long find, HBO and DC Studios have reportedly found the actor to play Green Lantern Hal Jordan in the upcoming Lanterns series. Actor Kyle Jordan will be putting on the ring to take to the skies as the DC superhero with the show focusing on a much older Hal Jordan who will be taking a younger and inexperienced Green Lantern John Stewart under his belt to investigate a mystery on Earth.
The Hollywood Reporter first revealed Kyle Chandler's casting in the upcoming Green Lantern series. Before his casting in the show, DC Studios was looking for a movie star to take on the role with actor Josh Brolin being offered the role first as per Nexus News. However, Brolin passed on the role and stars like Matthew McConaughey and Ewan McGregor were in the conversation too.
It's currently unclear when Lanterns will premiere on HBO and Max. Still, writers Damon Lindelof (Lost, The Leftovers, and Watchmen), Chris Mundy (Ozark), and Tom King (Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow) are writing the show.
Who is Green Lantern Hal Jordan in the comic books?
In the comic books, Hal Jordan first appeared in Showcase #22 in October 1959 and was created by John Broome and Gil Kane. In DC comics history, he is the most well-known Green Lantern, and the first human ever to be made a Lantern for the corps as well. Alongside that, he was a founding member of the Justice League of America in the comics.
Growing up, Hal idolized his father Martin Jordan who used to be a test pilot for Ferris Craft, but he ended up dying in a plane crash. However, that didn't stop Hal from achieving his dream and he enlisted in the United States Air Force to become a pilot. He quickly earned the rank of best pilot at the base but was also criticized for being unsafe, which led him to be kicked out of the Air Force.
Years later, Jordan came across a dying alien, Abin Sur, who crash-landed on Earth. Jordan found him and tried nursing him, and there it was revealed that Sur was a part of the Green Lantern Corps and that he was dying. Choosing Jordan as his replacement, he made him a Lantern and gave him his power ring. Thus began Jordan's career as the DC superhero in the comic books.
What is Lanters about?
Lanterns was originally revealed by James Gunn when he unveiled his DC slate online on YouTube on January 31, 2023. There he explained that the show will be known as Lanterns, and it will be inspired by True Detective which will follow an older Hal Jordan mentoring a much younger John Stewart as they investigate a mystery on Earth.
"This is a story of a couple of Green Lanterns John Stewart and Hal Jordan. We have a few other Lanterns peppered in there but this is really a terrestrial based TV show which is almost like True Detective with a couple of Green Lanterns who are space cops watching over Precinct Earth in it they discover a terrifying mystery that ties into our largest story of the DCU," said Gunn while unveiling the project.
DC Studios is also currently looking to cast a much younger star in the role of John Stewart.
For further updates on the series, stay tuned with us.
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