The epic comedy-drama series The Bear, starring Jeremy Allen-White, Ebon Moss-Bachrach and Ayo Edibiri received a new Season 3 trailer earlier today. Starring Allen White as the prodigal chef Carmy, The Bear focusses on how their team lead their newly-opened fine-dining restaurant to success, and focusses on the kind of dramas and obstacles that the group must traverse through on a daily basis, in order to keep their customers happy, and well-fed.
Created by Christopher Storer for FX, the series has to date seen the release of two seasons, the latter coming out in June 2023, and the series opener being released in June 2022. The TV series has followed its trend by announcing the Season 3 release date as June 27, 2024, which will see the release of a total of 10 episodes.
Earlier today, FX Networks released a new trailer featuring the afore-mentioned cast in all of its glory. Restaurant manager Richie, played by Ebon Moss, can be seen losing his calm as Jeremy Allan White’s Carmy screams at Edibiri’s Sydney, giving fans an insight into what they can expect next.
Read more: The Bear Season 3 Soundtrack
The Bear Season 3 trailer released: Everything you need to know
The trailer opens with a chaotic scene of The Beef’s team struggling to control the flow of orders and customers at their restaurant. While that in itself is a heartwarming look for fans who have seen their beloved characters struggle, the kind of struggle they have had to undergo has changed somewhat, with the evolving narrative.
Regardless, as Carmy, Sydney and Richie struggle to get going, fans see a plethora of scenes that they can expect to be a part of Season 3. The restaurant’s waiters are seen getting into a fistfight, as Carmy struggles to bring his team under control.
Sydney claims that the kitchen itself is in chaos, and shouts the following at her boss/friend:
“This is a dysfunctional kitchen.”
However, this is immediately met with an even louder comment from Carmy, who wants the following to happen:
“Show me a functional one!”
The conversation effectively sets up the season, which is ready to include The Beef’s rise to one of the premiere restaurants in Chicago. Season 3 of The Bear will see the return of a plethora of familiar faces, including those of Lionel Boyce, Matty Matheson, Liza Colón-Zayas, and Abby Elliott, all seen in recurring roles previously on The Bear.
Furthermore, the season will also see guest stars such as Jamie Lee Curtis, John Mulaney, and Bob Odenkirk, which is bound to further excite fans. Jeremy Allen White had himself revealed a range of details about the upcoming narrative, via a recent interview with Variety:
“I went to culinary school and spent a lot of time in restaurants for the first season. For the second season, we focused more on setting up the restaurant. Now, in the third season, we’re going back to that functioning kitchen atmosphere,”
Delving into a chaotic, sometimes hilarious, but always dramatic business journey that Carmy himself brings about, the story in The Bear is set to delve into Carmy’s personal life, with Jamie Lee Curtis set to reprise her role as his mother.
Read more: Will there be The Bear season 4? Everything you need to know
While The Bear's latest trailer itself did not give a lot of details about the upcoming plot apart from those mentioned above, it is clear that the critically-acclaimed show is only going to further build on its success, with The Bear Season 3.